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It is supposed to be hot and rainy where I’m going tomorrow. Really? It’s cold and rainy here in sunny San Diego this morning. I miss relaxing on the weekends. The last few have been marathons and this one is no different. Blob up this morning, no doubt due to eating dinner around 9:30 and on and on from there. Trying to strategize the meals for travel. I think I’ll do primarily low carb as people seem to understand that and respect it. It also includes no alcohol which I have learned is a good idea for work functions for me. Keeps the inside thoughts inside. 😝

I’ve done this entry in phases as I’m trying to accomplish tasks. Packing is easy, it’s the everything else that must be done before sundown, even though that’s later in the day. Just decided I’m taking sandals and tennies. I hate wearing pumps. Blech. Some things never change.

Onwards. Weekend rules, enjoy the day.

WEIGHT 159.4 lb
BMI 32.2
FAT MASS 64.3 lb
LEAN MASS 95.1 lb
WATER MASS 66.5 lb
BONE MASS 4.8 lb
72,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 9,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 11,1 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1039 ккал Жир: 46,12г | Белк: 87,52г | Углев: 60,58г.   Завтрак: Whole Milk, Egg, Egg White, Egg, Egg White, Whole Milk. Обед: Tomatoes, Olive Oil, Kirkland Signature Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, French or Vienna Bread, Taylor Farms Sweet Kale Chopped Salad (Salad Only), Calavo Avocado. Перекус/Другое: Whole Milk, Honey Nut Cheerios. подробнее ...
Набралось 1,6 кг за Неделю

21 Сторонников    Поддержка   

No alc is always a good idea when at 'work' functions 😉 (loose lips can sink ships, been there done that once upon a time 😬 
05 май 24 написано членом: Livin_Breezy
Hope the trip is nice, even though it's for work. Hopefully the hot weather and rain won't impact you much if you are inside. Yesterday our weather in northern California was so odd. I had been needing to turn the a/c last week a couple days. Then Friday night it got really windy. I heard a loud noise outside that woke me up as well as Bobby and the cats. They weren't worried so I looked out on the deck at 2am and saw the big umbrella I had put out to get some shade had fallen over. It rained so hard all day yesterday with crazy winds. At one time water was pouring off the roof like a waterfall because there was so much rain. Today, it seems nor.al again. I pulled big containers full of weeds because they are easy to pull when the ground is saturated. Who watches the dogs and cats while you are gone? I bet they know something is going on if you are packing. Mine give me dirty looks when they know I'll be leaving. 
05 май 24 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Are you getting rainier weather than normal this year? I feel like we are but then again i always think we are getting worse weather than the year before because the gray skies effect my feeling of goodwill and lightness. You would think 60 years in i would be used to it. lol. Ps. I love wearing pumps they can really elevate an outfit depending on what you are wearing but they are murder on the feet. I have literally about 350-400 pairs. Yes i know, the first step is acknowledging you have a problem😂. I have a problem. And now nowhere to wear them but not ready to say bye bye. Have a safe trip.. hug the furry babies  
05 май 24 написано членом: Yearofhealth2023
It’s Nelinho year, so that means that we get more rain than normal, but it doesn’t feel excessive. It feels like what it was when I first moved here. 
05 май 24 написано членом: Katsolo
Gotta ask about "Nelinho year“ cause I only know La Niña and El Niño up here. Is this a typo or something specific to SoCal ? 
05 май 24 написано членом: sk.17
Hope you biz travels go well ✈️👍 
05 май 24 написано членом: sk.17
That is the weirdest autocorrect ever. I wrote El Niño. Didn’t see it did that. 🤣 
05 май 24 написано членом: Katsolo
I've seen that before. Auto correct and AI are having fun with us!🤨 
05 май 24 написано членом: Livin_Breezy
I hope your travels are productive and fun! The weather here is crazy! 90 on Friday and today 50 mph winds and 64! It's bizarre!  
05 май 24 написано членом: Diana 1234
I hope you enjoy your travel.  
06 май 24 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams


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