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Took a combo walk/hike yesterday and spent some time on the grass in the park with actual sunshine. Ran into a friend I made years ago when the dogs were young. It's amazing how differently we all emerged from the isolation. I never quit walking dogs, but I did not see the same people out and about as before. I'm so glad that's ended and we can all dance in the sunshine again.

Another brutal week at work, seems the new end date is May. We'll see, I suspect that will get extended as well. It's a tough cycle, but it's good. That said, I'm feeling more tired than in previous years. The erratic 5AM meetings which are every other day are killing me as far as my sleep patterns as it seems to interrupt prime REM time. Thinking about it, maybe I should add an actual sleep app and see what that tells me. If it is, I guess I need to suck it up and adjust my entire schedule and treat 5AM as the new start of my day. Ugh. Sleep is crazy important for me as I need both my body and my mind to function well in order to thrive. I've been skipping breakfast a lot, which is my least favorite meal of the day, no biggie, but it's because of time, not hunger. that said, it proves I don't need it, so maybe I'll be a little more selective about eating breakfast going forward.

Sadie had a follow-up with the oncologist yesterday after a slight pause when the insurance put us into an extended review cycle (more stress) that finally got resolved. Results were good, she's still tolerating the chemo well and other than losing weight, it's all about keeping her happy and relatively healthy despite what's going on in her little body as long as possible. Oddly enough, watch thinks we only did 2.63 miles with the little bit of off trail stuff we did and that normal route is 2.7 miles without it. Always interesting when technology is off, I wonder if hitting pause had something to do with it. Doesn't really matter at the end of the day. it was time spent moving outside and that's good for all of us.

My turquoise dress arrived yesterday - I love it. I need to decide if it will be an everyday dress or if I'm saving it for special occasions. I'll probably wear it often because it's like saving the good dishes for special occasions only, you may never use them if you're waiting for just the right thing so what's the point? this is my transition from our extended winter into actual Spring. makes me happy.

Some pics of pooches from our favorite spot at the park under the flight path. Chance looks a little like Hogan since he filled out, but he is a completely different dog - which is wonderful. I wouldn't want anything different. Met a lady on the way home who wanted to pet the dogs, turns out she just started looking for a GSD puppy so I told her all about the rescue I've gotten my GSDs from and to trust the process along with being honest about lifestyle, etc.

Weight is holding, blob is up a bit, water is down, muscle holding. I will be glad when all the Easter candy is gone. I can regulate dark chocolate fairly well, but white chocolate is a weakness for me and white chocolate truffles - delicious poison. And no, not because of the sugar. it's the calories contained in those little nibbles. a single truffle is equal to four pieces of my preferred dark chocolate bits. now, in all fairness, I accepted a gift and I have the power to throw them away and I chose not to. I have been tracking them. and I have been offsetting them in my overall limit. but I will be able to move on better without them in the cabinet calling my name with their sweet siren song of creamy goodness. I can't ignore the elevated stress levels of the past couple of months - stopping now.

So planning chores and moving around a lot this Easter weekend. Weekend rules on the computer. Life is good, enjoy the spring weather!

WEIGHT 165.6 lb
BMI 33.5
FAT MASS 69.7 lb
LEAN MASS 95.9 lb
WATER MASS 67.3 lb
BONE MASS 4.9 lb
74,8 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,6 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1278 ккал Жир: 62,12г | Белк: 81,02г | Углев: 95,59г.   Завтрак: Egg White, Egg, Whole Milk, Bacon. Обед: Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortilla (43g), Kirkland Signature Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts. Ужин: La Terra Fina Cheddar & Broccoli Quiche. Перекус/Другое: Peeps Marshmallow Chicks, Garden Lites Veggies Made Great Double Chocolate Muffins, Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolate Truffles. подробнее ...
3900 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Потеряно 1,0 кг за Неделю

34 Сторонников    Поддержка   

😍They look happy! 
08 апр 23 написано членом: EvaSieteTres
Such beautiful photos! Glad you're all doing well despite your 5am calls. Hope you find a rhythm or they come to an end soon! I would not be happy. xxx 
08 апр 23 написано членом: Nikina70
Great pics! 
08 апр 23 написано членом: Javadali
nice photos Katsolo and enjoy your Easter weekend  
08 апр 23 написано членом: buenitabishop
Pretty cactus, sweet dogs. Happy Easter. 
08 апр 23 написано членом: shirfleur 1
Awesome doggies Kat !! Hope you solve the 5AM corporate mtg / sleep cycle issues. I told my bosses years ago that I didn‘t do crazy hour meetings and that if that didn‘t work for them that they should let me know so that I could find a different job. It‘s all about priorities & goals, isn‘t it? Hope you find ghe right bslance for you. 👍👍💙 
09 апр 23 написано членом: sk.17
Because I seldom have dessert after dinner I wake up between 3-4 starving. I have learned to just get up and have breakfast then I can go back to bed and immediately go back to sleep for a couple of hours and have the best sleep of the night. Breakfast is my favorite meal. I don’t really care what I eat the rest of the day. It’s harder for you all who still work— I remember those days.  
09 апр 23 написано членом: Kenna Morton


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