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Still going down. Formerly tight jeans are loose. I think I'm down a solid two sizes. I've been working on core strength, so hoping it's still all fat that i'm losing. Truthfully, I'm pretty strong, so if most of this belly fat went away, I'd be pretty happy. Looking at my before pics, it's like someone picked me up, and wrapped me in a crescent roll with bacon. It was all just right there. Bodies are so weird.
75,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 4,1 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 18,6 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

905 ккал Жир: 31,03г | Белк: 100,23г | Углев: 74,90г.   Завтрак: Heavy Cream, Medifast Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal. Обед: Medifast Chocolate Mint Crunch Meal Bar. Ужин: Salsa, Chicken Breast. Перекус/Другое: Almonds, Medifast Chocolate Chip Soft Bake, Medifast Peanut Butter Crunch Bar. подробнее ...
2071 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Потеряно 0,8 кг за Неделю

15 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Bodies are very weird I agree, awesome drop Kat! 
16 фев 18 написано членом: 8Patty
Officially down 2# for the week. Kinda puts the damper on eating anything "not on the prescribed menu" though. Long term, it's a good thing.  
16 фев 18 написано членом: Katsolo
Great job. Yesterday my jeggings were loose and baggy... even in the calves 🤷‍♀️ I was pretty happy about it. Except now I need a lot of new clothes 😕 💸💸 goodbye tax return 😩 
16 фев 18 написано членом: mamamc7
I shop Goodwill, Ladies Jr. League and AmVets carefully. Enough people that just toss stuff here that I can find really good stuff and mix it with my other two favorite sources: Target and Chicos (on sale and only from time to time)!  
16 фев 18 написано членом: Katsolo
I love the thrift shops, amazing bargains! When it no longer fits I donate it back. Great to have clothes that fit during weight loss! 
16 фев 18 написано членом: gz9gjg
and I found my "leather" pants online last weekend at Chicos for -- wait for it -- $11.89 with free shipping. they're all gone now, so i must have gotten the last pair, but it was meant to be since they were 70% off and in my size. still not here, and i don't know if i'm brave enough to wear them out of the house... but we'll work on it. lol  
16 фев 18 написано членом: Katsolo
Rock those leather pants!!! We have really awesome thrift shops in Ventura, I should go cruise around and look. I just cut a pair of pants that legs were getting baggy into shorts... I plan to garden a lot this spring, so I won’t be ruining any nice clothes. (I don’t usually wear shorts, but maybe will start when I start reaching goals and maybe if I have a tan from gardening 😉) 
16 фев 18 написано членом: mamamc7
I agree with Mammamc rock those you earned them! 
17 фев 18 написано членом: 8Patty
you don't even need the tan, just wear those shorts, i do. my legs are so white that there is one pic of me where someone asked why i was wearing white tights with that skirt/dress, can't remember, and i had to say, nope, those are my legs!  
19 фев 18 написано членом: Katsolo


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