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Started off with one plan last night, ended up with another. slow short walk to the end of the block, come back and clean the house… didn’t even lock down the house, just the security door. Was babying the hammy, but it felt good enough and it was a nice night, so kept going and going. I love walking in the dark and the marine layer had rolled in with the wonderful damp cool air was great.

Stop by the little park, let the dogs horse around a tiny bit, then back to it, down the block through the pool of patio diners where i ran into friends i hadn’t seen in person since the beginning of the plague. They were on the way out, but sat down with them for a bit talking and having a wonderful glass of wine (on an empty stomach). Around 9:30 as the wine hit me midway home, texted another friend who lives down the road and he made sure i was home safe eventually. The night was a string of happy coincidences all together. We all have each others’ numbers at this point and will be doing a HH or something soon. I may join the old crew at the dog park, but i need to figure out if that’s something i still want to do. There’s nothing wrong with the dog park per se, but there is a different crowd of people that bring drama with them and i have two very large dogs.

Thank goodness i put on a clean shirt when i left the house, I’d been wearing a white tee and spilled on it when i was unloading groceries, so grabbed another to go with my pj shorts. I’d also gone through a bit of a crying fit before i left the house, but at least I’d rinsed my face off before i walked out the door. I’m sure I was a stunning fashion plate. 🤣 Good part about all this is that these are the people that i met when Sadie was a pup and had boundless energy and everyone loved her and they were the same people that helped pick Hogan’s name with me. The stainless steel print I had made of Sadie, Hogan and Shasta arrived Thursday and i really looked at it for the first time last night. it’s beautiful. Makes me cry to look at it right now, but over time, I’m hoping it makes me smile. And since this huge neighborhood is crazy efficient in passing information around, I’m going to have to let folks know about Lili officially, I’ve been quietly keeping her to myself as we adjusted to one another. Will have to wait and see if there’s any blowback on that other than hurt feelings. I have no regrets.

As to the numbers, blob is down, quads and calves are definitely coming back from the very short, very slow walks with Sadie and Shasta. Muscle is up from the hills, as is water, because it’s hot and i drink ice water all day long rather than turning on the AC. Things I’m learning about my body: for me, if i don’t move around a lot, I’m not hungry and it’s super easy to not eat a lot. If i do, my appetite increases overall during the day and i need to plan to make sure i have good options at hand. I’m in love with strawberries again, blueberries not so much. No idea why this happens.

Ahi tuna and baguette for breakfast this morning. Might be brunch given the later hour. No pics taken last night, but a passion fruit vine I’m keeping an eye on because the owner always puts a container out front when they start to get ripe. 🤤

Weekend rules - enjoy this glorious day!

WEIGHT 165.7 lb
BMI 33.5
FAT MASS 65.7 lb
LEAN MASS 100.0 lb
WATER MASS 70.2 lb
BONE MASS 5.0 lb
75,1 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,9 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1459 ккал Жир: 34,57г | Белк: 167,25г | Углев: 125,68г.   Завтрак: Baguette, Whole Milk, Natural Blue Seared Ahi Tuna. Обед: Tomatoes, Kirkland Signature Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Peach, Briannas Poppyseed Dressing, Taylor Farms Sweet Kale Chopped Salad (Salad Only). Ужин: Natural Blue Seared Ahi Tuna, Baguette, Natural Blue Seared Ahi Tuna. Перекус/Другое: Bouchard Dark Chocolate, Almonds, Strawberries, Strawberries, R.W. Knudsen Family 2% Milkfat Small Curd Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Bouchard Dark Chocolate, Almonds. подробнее ...
3604 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
постоянный вес

27 Сторонников    Поддержка   

yay for happy coincidences! 😊  
15 июл 23 написано членом: davidsprincess
Lol, right? It’s funny how you can step right back into place with some friends… such a nice thing. Hope your weekend is going well. I’m going to try and journal more often, but we’ll need to see how that goes. 
15 июл 23 написано членом: Katsolo
Ok I admit I didn’t read your book. But what are those??? 
15 июл 23 написано членом: Supergainz1
It's passionfruit. Not ripe yet  
15 июл 23 написано членом: Katsolo
That’s nice!!! I’m jealous, I tried planting dragon fruits here. But they die off through the winter 
15 июл 23 написано членом: Supergainz1
Bring them inside and out them in a windows. They’ll grow just like Christmas cactus -which they’re related to.  
15 июл 23 написано членом: Katsolo
Kat, I love your posts. You have an eloquent honesty in your writing. 💕 
15 июл 23 написано членом: _bec_ca
Yea most of the plants I bring inside does cuz my cats would use it as a litter box 
15 июл 23 написано членом: Supergainz1
15 июл 23 написано членом: Supergainz1
I am glad you had an upside to help balance some tough moments. ❤️ people who care and know and try to understand are priceless. If anyone has a single negative thought about anything... they should have the decency to stuff it and be totally supportive. Have a blessed rest of your weekend! You are a blessing!  
15 июл 23 написано членом: melissatwa
Some days are good and some days..not so much! Glad you are able to turn your day around. BTW, how is little Lili doing? I understand how much you miss your other puppies but Lili sure is cute and it's good you are able to spend some time with her! Be well friend!💜 
15 июл 23 написано членом: Diana 1234
It's normal to do some grieving, You loved them and missed them. <3 
16 июл 23 написано членом: erikahollister


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