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Scale is being wonky again, probably need to change the batteries. Anyways, not connecting to the app again, so here's what I remembered and I will update once it fixes itself.

Worked too much yesterday, going back at it again this morning, but decided slow roll into it with breakfast and coffee first.

We are all adjusting to one another as far as Chance goes. Shasta is learning to assert herself when he tries to take her food or toys. Hogan was her absolute rock, so she has to learn all of this from scratch. Sadie just doesn't care about him and my job is to keep the peace and avoid injuries while we go through the puppy crazies. He's testing boundaries big time. Go for it, dude. Been there, done that. One of the GSD quirks people don't know about is the nipping as they try and herd anything in their zone. Here's the thing, I'm not a sheep. Hard correction if you bite my ass, dude. Period. Goes for people, too. Other than that, he's really a cuddly thing and looking for approval more than anything. We're spending time with the cats, but on leash in the house so I can correct. I failed this miserably with Hogan and I will do better this time.

Made appointment with vet for all the dogs next week. Need to baseline the new guy. Had a fabulous cry with the tech who answered. she saw Hogan passed and started going on about what a great dog he was and was one of the best GSDs they see. I wasn't going to stay there, but I think I will now. They're owned by that large corporation that's buying all the vet practices up these days, but the people are fabulous. I'll just continue pushing back and advocating when needed. No surprise there is a note in my file that I will only see two of the docs there. Do not even ask me about the others or try a switch as I will now just walk out. Rhymes with witch. Don't care.

My foot is still giving me fits. It's in a different place, at the front of the ball of my foot, different foot and I think I must have injured it. Wearing tennis shoes even though it's hot. They suck. Doing the exercises. It'll get better, but I need to quit being an idiot about it. Might even wear the hiking boots. They're the best when I'm stupid and hurt myself. Freaking hot though.

Grr, scale still not uploading. This may be its last year and I'll just wait until they're on sale and buy another. I don't want to lose all that data. Will wait until Black Friday when they're cheap.

Ate late, didn't move much, although I did finally take the time to break down all the amazon boxes that had been collecting in the porch and living room while I focused on taking care of Hogan and ignoring the world. Feels good to have that cleared out. Need to do more in that area. I have a Ring doorbell to install at some point this weekend as well. Cameras are great, but the doorbell will help with deliveries around the holidays.

Trying to decide if I should keep this large wagon I ordered for Hogan or not. Question is where to store it when we're not using it. Not a small thing and my garage is in the back of the house. These are only some of the thoughts that keep me awake at night. Welcome, it's very busy in here. Been sleeping with AC on when it's humid so the thoughts don't take over.

Anyways, I need to see why my FS diary is off yesterday. That's not syncing correctly either. some missing bites. Guess I'll just add manually.

Muscle way up, blob down, water up. Shrimps for dinner late, bubbles and some homemade mango sorbet. So I don't forget. Will be an easy loss once things get moving, including my butt.

WEIGHT 165.6 lb
BMI 33.5
FAT MASS 65.3 lb
LEAN MASS 100.3 lb
WATER MASS 70.5 lb
BONE MASS 5.1 lb
75,1 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,9 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1406 ккал Жир: 57,50г | Белк: 96,34г | Углев: 131,68г.   Завтрак: Egg, Egg White, Whole Milk. Обед: R.W. Knudsen Family 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Kiwi Fruit, Just Bare Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Chunks. Ужин: Dessert Italiano Tiramisu, Jana Sashimi Grade Ahi Tuna, Nectarines . Перекус/Другое: Ice Cream (Flavors Other Than Chocolate), Veggies Made Great Cinnamon Roll Muffins, Bouchard Dark Chocolate. подробнее ...
3546 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Набралось 3,5 кг за Неделю

20 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Lots going on but coffee first is right!:) lol ☕️ Have a great weekend! 
27 авг 22 написано членом: NAVYWIFESKI
I’d say keep the wagon 
27 авг 22 написано членом: yfritz
Weird, I was thinking about Hogan’s wagon 2 days ago 
27 авг 22 написано членом: yfritz
Sounds very busy. Having a puppy in the house really changes the group dynamics doesn't it. Have a good weekend. 🌹 
27 авг 22 написано членом: shirfleur 1
I guess that’s enough of a sign from the universe that I ought to keep it. So I guess I will. 
27 авг 22 написано членом: Katsolo
I actually lol'd when I read about Chance nipping your butt, getting a hard correction & the same going for people too! 😅 I'm happy you have a good sense of humor! You need it when life gets crazy, & a puppy qualifies as that special kind of crazy! I hope your foot feels better soon. Have you tried orthotics? I know Podiatrists make them, but for more immediate comfort there are flip flops that have raised areas, too. Clark's & Vionic make good shoes, I just got a pair. Much cooler than boots! I know what you mean about a good cry with the people who took care of your furbaby. Our Vet did that with us, & it was cathartic. I can't imagine they do that with ALL their clients, so it felt really special, and made me realize others have good memories of my sweet boy. Going to clear out the 2 billion Amazon boxes I have too... 
27 авг 22 написано членом: Hazel Harley


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