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Why is it so hard to get " back on track" after a derailment?!?😢 😡 For some reason when I binge it takes me 2 or 3 days of that before I get back on track..and I feel awful because I don't eat like that. I didn't even log everything after awhile because I was disgusted. I ate bread, lots of fruit, and lots of Hershey's chocolate nuggets..I blame my husband for buying those..🤣(jk)
I really know the answer to my question but I'm just being whiney today...
59,0 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 11,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1209 ккал Жир: 49,36г | Белк: 161,64г | Углев: 43,95г.   Завтрак: Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla, Jones Dairy Farm All Natural Uncured Canadian Bacon, Fried Egg without Fat, Sports Research Collagen Peptides, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Coffee. Обед: Boiled Egg, Tanimura & Antle Romaine Lettuce, StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water (Can). Ужин: Ranch Salad Dressing , Salsa, Mixed Salad Greens, Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter. Перекус/Другое: Peanut Butter, Celery , Dcm choc chip bars, Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla. подробнее ...
1808 ккал Упражнение: Body Pump - 1 час, Отдыхать - 15 часа, Спать - 8 часа. подробнее ...
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Been there 😉🤣 
13 авг 22 написано членом: LivinBreezy
You know, I felt SO HUNGRY all last week. I was eating over 2000 cals a day! This week, I think has been better.... maybe your "binge" was really just a phase? Yes, it's hard to get back on track! Don't be too hard on yourself - cuz it happens to EVERYONE! (Well, I think it does) It certainly happens to me! No worries..... this too shall pass!!! 💪 💯 🌎 🫶 ☘️ 
13 авг 22 написано членом: 3dkids2
Living Breezy, I know we are all fighting the same battle...I feel bad for us all!! I just feel so bloated and awful! Need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just do it...I feel bad for my hubby cuz I'm in a bad mood! 💜💜💜 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
3dkids2, you are so right! I am just blah today...I worked out so hard yesterday and that also contributed to my hunger but if I would've eaten more protein after my double workout, I don't think it would've happened...but who really knows?!I seriously ate nonstop, especially after dinner..I stopped logging but I'm guessing I ate at least 2,000 calories. 😭😭 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
I’m right there with you! Sometimes our body just needs extra! 
13 авг 22 написано членом: StormsGirl
Erq, I know you are right but I wanted my watermelon spritzer this weekend and now it will have to wait...ps...Id rather have wine than be whiney!!!🤣🤣🤣 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Storms...I hope you have recovered...I am getting madder by the minute at myself and that's not really how my personality is...💜 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Give yourself some grace today and let your funk relax. TRY to get back on track today as much as you can BUT track your food today for your eating plan tomorrow and then get firm with yourself that you have to follow the plan, do it and move on!:) Hope that makes sense! 🤗 
13 авг 22 написано членом: NAVYWIFESKI
I feel ya! It happens. We know what we have to do! Even if it takes a few days. You got this. No worries🤗 
13 авг 22 написано членом: PurpleAsh93
Navywifeski, I know it will pass I just want it to hurry up...I made a game plan for today so I will stick with the plan. It's a new day and I'm determined...💜🙏. Purpleash, thanks for encouragement! I appreciate it and will follow your advice! 💜💜 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Yesterday is over. Don't beat yourself up. With a double intense workout, your body may have needed more calories. This is just a blip in your journey....you know what to do 😀 ❤️ 
13 авг 22 написано членом: SherryeB
Sherry, can you come cook for me? I love all your posts, your food looks so beautiful and delicious! I do know what to do...I made myself get up and dressed and am going to body pump class...it's a start..💜💪 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
getting back after a week long surplus on vacation has been rough its amazing how quick we can pack it on. good luck I'm right there with you pushing back in the right direction!! I. leave tommorow for another week too but this time the meals are very much so in my control since I will be camping and packed all healthy foods. enjoy the gym session 💪  
13 авг 22 написано членом: ObeseToBeast123
Otb, have a great vacation! I'm jealous..(💜) we are going again at end of Sept for a couple weeks in our RV so I can control what I eat as well. Im just really down today but I'll recover, thanks for support! 💪💜 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
The only answer is, today isn't when it happened, that was a different person. Today's person knows that regret isn't helpful, thoughtfulness is. You care that it happened, now care that it doesn't happen again.  
13 авг 22 написано членом: aunterloth813
I can't resist hershey kisses!!! 🙂🙃😉 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Maine coon
I feel this so much! We’re gonna get it though, we have to remember to give ourselves grace. Gotta get up, dust ourselves off, and start again ♥️ 
13 авг 22 написано членом: annamommy
Been there still do that😫 
13 авг 22 написано членом: bleueyes1974
It is defined hard. I get in a rut too but usually pull out pretty quick. My trainer gets my food journals so it holds me accountable. He actually recommends one meal that you can do whatever you want as he says it helps you not crave things. I am in maintain and give myself 1-2 eat what I want meals but the rest of all my meals are within my macros. You got this!! 
13 авг 22 написано членом: Redporchlady
Hey, the win is that you recognize the derailment! I have found I get back on the train much quicker and that is an accomplishment. 🙂 
13 авг 22 написано членом: moko 13


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