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Wonky numbers this morning, but proof that donut holes can be a part of my life every once in awhile. Hydration is super interesting because I drank a ton of water yesterday. Got my Sodastream refill from the store and went to town on sparkling water.

Had a super good swim yesterday, no PR's, but clean water (except for all the dirt that fell in while I was filling it - that mistake has been noted) and that was easy enough to skim out. I took a couple pics last night of the current without all the water and wow, I forgot how strong it actually is. It's funny, I say yesterday was not a PR, but as long as I'm pushing every time, which I do 99% of the time, that's a record of sorts. 830 strokes, 10.1METs, average heart rate was 146, so falling from that peak challenge I was doing. 14 minutes in warm up, 12 in peak. played around in the water after because I'm a dork. I can hold my breath for 1 minute and 34 seconds sitting still. I really need access to a big pool to see if I can go 50m without a breath. I think I used to be able to, can't remember. need to find one of those old friends to ask. the larger paddles I ordered got lost and they refunded me, so need to find those elsewhere. that's a little disappointing. the super good part of the swim is that I felt strong the entire time. sometimes, I lose my place in the current, or there's water in my goggles, or I'm attacked by bees (true story), but yesterday was just really good. I did drop this phone in the water for the first time ever, but it came back nicely, thank goodness. that was because there was a Yellowjacket on it when I went to reach for it and I jumped. my own fault. cleared the speakers by playing music loud, that was cool to watch the little bubbles dancing on their way out.

Took five bags of stuff to Goodwill yesterday! That was fun. Doing a variation of Swedish death cleaning. in my version, it's the post Covid purge. stuff I would have gotten rid of earlier, but there was nowhere to take it. Going to keep chipping away at the work wardrobe so more to follow. We'll see what the temp is in August when we all gather in one place. I think suits are dead to me. Yay! I do need to find some closed toe heels as the bottoms of mine rotted off in the closet. Apparently, this is a thing with some types of rubber. If you don't use it, it dissolves. Also, RIP my favorite animal print dansko clogs. same thing. Thankfully, my flip-flops get enough daily wear that it shouldn't ever be an issue.

it's cool outside this morning. I hope we stay just like this for tomorrow and that the marine layer stays offshore until after the fireworks. I just realized I need to clear the back of the truck for guests. BF can't go up on the roof anymore because of the vertigo risk. still keeping him because I love him. dog hair, anyone?

today's battle plan. break down the costco boxes again (they multiply, I swear) for recycle. make sure the grill works and has fuel. make sure the heater has fuel. clear the rest of the deck and vacuum up more dog hair. sounds like fun, doesn't it? also need to put my flag high up on the roof. we have some people that go around tearing them down here, so we will not give them the opportunity to do so.

time for breakfast, weekend rules, enjoy the day. we'll see where the blob is tomorrow morning since I don't really trust this particular spread.

weekend rules continue! enjoy this fabulous day.

WEIGHT 163.9 lb
BMI 33.2
FAT MASS 69.2 lb
LEAN MASS 94.6 lb
WATER MASS 66.4 lb
BONE MASS 4.9 lb
74,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,1 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1217 ккал Жир: 68,05г | Белк: 59,15г | Углев: 86,84г.   Завтрак: Egg White, Egg, Whole Milk. Обед: Shari's Traditional Eggs Benedict with Hashbrowns. Ужин: Cream (Half & Half) , Raspberries. Перекус/Другое: Bouchard Dark Chocolate. подробнее ...
3608 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Потеряно 3,2 кг за Неделю

16 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Lovely pool! You are so right about shoes and my danskos come to mind. A few years ago at the county fair my whole bottom came off of one shoe. We were about to leave anyways. Thank goodness! Then, after my thought you mentioned your danskos!:) lol 
03 июл 22 написано членом: NAVYWIFESKI
right? it's so weird. I was walking around and there was this weird, black crumbly stuff everywhere, and then the arch collapsed and the back fell off. so sad. loved those. 
03 июл 22 написано членом: Katsolo


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