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yesterday was pretty great. had a fab workout, set a PR, but only 6.4 METs. pool today. got a little knee stress going on this morning, ordered a light colored Cho-pat since I can't find mine. using a piece off an elbow brace in the meantime. stabilization issue.

since I already went out to eat Friday, we stayed in and did a movie night. No Time to Die. free on Prime. yay. I am going to miss Daniel Craig as James Bond. I sat through an almost three hour movie and only got up twice which is pretty good for me. we also got up and moved from the front room into the back where I have a much better sound system set up.

in doggo news, Hogan has started grooming himself again, this is good as it means his mobility is getting better. I think we're going to stay the current course for now.

muscle up, water up (spaghetti leftovers), blob up. I'm taking forever to do this today, gotta move my butt. weekend rules.

WEIGHT 165.8 lb
BMI 33.5
FAT MASS 68.1 lb
LEAN MASS 97.7 lb
WATER MASS 68.6 lb
BONE MASS 5.0 lb
74,8 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,6 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1349 ккал Жир: 76,71г | Белк: 92,73г | Углев: 78,53г.   Завтрак: Whole Milk, Egg, Egg White. Обед: Food Lion Homestyle Cole Slaw, Aldi Pork Spare Ribs. Ужин: Bitchin' Sauce Bitchin' Sauce, Shrimp, Banza Penne Chickpea Pasta. Перекус/Другое: La Tortilla Factory Low Carb Flour Tortilla, Bouchard Dark Chocolate. подробнее ...
3913 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Потеряно 1,0 кг за Неделю

24 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Yay for Hogan and for Fab workouts. 
12 июн 22 написано членом: davidsprincess
Good news about your pup! Daniel Craig is my least favourite Bond. He seems to take forever to kill someone! 🤣 
12 июн 22 написано членом: sveltepiggywinkle
Kat, so happy to hear Hogan is doing better. I am sure it is a bit of a relief for you. 💕 
12 июн 22 написано членом: _bec_ca
Piggy, try London has fallen. Not Bond worthy, but amazingly high body count. Like ridiculous shots.  
12 июн 22 написано членом: Katsolo
Nice to hear Hogan is improving. 
12 июн 22 написано членом: shirfleur 1
it's slow going and his meds make him very mellow. I'm going to have to pull back on his food a bit, he's getting heavy from no long walks and that's one of the worst things you can do for a very big dog. maybe we'll both pull back a bit for summer.  
13 июн 22 написано членом: Katsolo
You're taking good care of him. ❤️ I remember how bad I felt when our dogs would get sick. 😟 
13 июн 22 написано членом: _bec_ca
I think Craig was one of the best Bonds.  
13 июн 22 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
Hello Katsolo 
13 июн 22 написано членом: Mark Tudor
13 июн 22 написано членом: Katsolo
Hello Beautiful Katsolo. I'm Mark. I would like to know you. Pretty caught my eyes though.  
13 июн 22 написано членом: Mark Tudor
I'm happy to hear Hogan is feeling better! 
13 июн 22 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Thanks, Fritzy, I'm glad, too. He is definitely my sweet, sweet boy. even though the meds keep him calm, I see more of his personality shining through lately.  
13 июн 22 написано членом: Katsolo
welcome to FS mark. glad you joined us. 
13 июн 22 написано членом: Katsolo
Is there any other way to send private message here?  
13 июн 22 написано членом: Mark Tudor
I don't think so, I just put stuff in replies on posts. nothing to hide anyways. 
13 июн 22 написано членом: Katsolo


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