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Mmmm, Sunday is my favorite day of the week, I think. Saturday tasking is mostly done (I need to reconfigure the truck back to dog hauler from "limo" mode). Swam yesterday before dinner out, hit a PR on strokes and the swim felt good as well. I've got some stuff going on with my elbows and I'm self-diagnosing as golfer's elbow related to dog walking and swimming. Going to have to be more mindful with the beasts and then stretch and strengthen.

I went to Costco in person yesterday for the first time in a long time after I gassed the truck up and the parking lot was empty. Holy crap. My special treat ahi tuna poke went from $14.99 to $27.99. Hard pass. I also noticed that my Instacart items have a $2-3 markup per item and the meat/poultry/seafood is at least $1/lb more. Soooo, it was nice while it lasted, but I will be dragging my butt out of bed on the weekends to avoid crowds and do it myself. Remember, I live on the coast, so that fish had a short trip to the store. I can't imagine inland. I'm going to have to figure out what direction we're going with food and start managing more carefully until they fix this mess. The good part of the trip was that I got fresh produce this time. That's been the big miss lately. I can deal with less of one or the other, but I like my veggies. I may look into sharing a CSA box with mom. We'll see. I'm sure their prices are going to go up, too.

Dinner was great but ridiculously expensive for where we went. We saw the prices and all had water with our entrees. dessert was coffee. Used to be appetizer, wine, dinner and shared dessert with coffee. Those days are definitely over. Haven't worn a dress and been done up in awhile, that part was fun. Top half video telecons don't count. got home and took the dogs out for what was supposed to be a quick run to the end of the block. Ended up knocking out a mile in my dress and boots which are still ridiculously comfortable. I forget those things when hiding in the house for two and a half years. It's weird, South Park seems to close at 9 now. There was no one out except one guy who started to follow us but then I asked him to please go around as he was distracting one of the dogs. He complied, which is good because he was kinda spooking me, too. I had pepper spray on me, but had left the phone at home. stupid of me but it was so clear and quiet when we started out that I was just enjoying the solitude.

Swim stats since it was such an unexpectedly good one. 895 strokes, that's 5 more than the previous best which was probably a year ago. 149 average heart rate, 10.4 METs 11 minutes in zone 5, the rest in 4. great workout for my heart. I've been notching the water temp down as well. currently at 80 which I think where I'm going to leave it because it is cold getting in. Felt like a lot of food yesterday (and it was) but another loss from the day before. I'll take it. I wish I could get as much movement in on the weekdays as I do on the weekends. just happier. one day.

Enjoy this glorious day, I'm going to make another waffle breakfast.

WEIGHT 164.6 lb
BMI 33.3
FAT MASS 69.2 lb
LEAN MASS 95.4 lb
WATER MASS 67.0 lb
BONE MASS 4.9 lb
74,7 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,4 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,4 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1189 ккал Жир: 47,18г | Белк: 79,53г | Углев: 114,01г.   Завтрак: Kodiak Cakes Protein Packed Buttermilk Flapjack & Waffle Mix, Egg, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - Vanilla Ice Cream, Egg White, Whole Milk, Bell Plantation PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter, 100% Maple Syrup. Обед: Fried Battered Fish, Potato French Fries. Ужин: Potato French Fries. Перекус/Другое: Kirkland Signature Greek Yogurt, Bouchard Dark Belgian Chocolate Probiotic, Blackberries . подробнее ...
3922 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Потеряно 2,5 кг за Неделю

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