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Spectacular fail of a walk last night. Went out with the intent of doing an easy mile, made it three blocks and turned around. Zero energy. Think I just waited too long in the day and was tired again. Got reprimanded when I got home to boot. Always fun. I did get in a few hours at work, non-productive as it was a migration day to MS365, but better than dealing with it on a Monday no matter what is going on. I've decided I'm over it though. Going to wash my sheets and spend some time outside in the sun. I might swim. Nothing earth shattering, but just to get things moving. My one accomplishment yesterday was that I really cleaned up the kitchen. Not a spring clean, but I needed to get rid of the clutter of the last couple of days before it sucked me into a vortex. Kinda need to do the same thing with my bedroom next. A sick nest is a great thing when you're not up to moving much, but it can hold you back from being well if you let it. I'm still amazed at the amount of time I spent sleeping without a lot of thoughts running through my head. that never happens when I stop moving. I made a mini loaf of bread yesterday. I have to get eight slices out of it at 110 calories each. Did "French bread" setting. I put that in quotes because it is anything but, although the crust is good. I think I need to buy a new thing of yeast as the rise wasn't as good as normal. Will research that a little. Might just need to do it as a starter before I put the ingredients in the machine. I forget about things like that when it's been too long in between baking and let's just say this is the first loaf I've made since the plague began. I used to share a loaf with my neighbor across the street to keep myself out of trouble, but I didn't think it was a good idea to offer just yet. I might try a half recipe later with the starter approach. Kinda bugging me. I don't bake often, but I don't take a fail very well. It's not a fail, but It's off. Tasted great hot. Everything down except the blob. Too bad there's not a mucus reading because it still feels like there's a lot of it in my head. The thing that stopped my walk last night was fatigue in general and the feeling of everything in my head shifting with every step. Hate that feeling. Going to put reminders for every four hours for the Mucinex, drink tons of water today (I have been doing this which is why the hydration number below is bullshit) and get some movement into my life to beat this cold the rest of the way out of my body. Just figured out the bread issue. I used all purpose flour, not bread flour and I didn't add anything to make it rise. Duh.
Back to Halloween pics. This one needs some work, but will get better.

WEIGHT 162.4 lb
BMI 32.8
FAT MASS 68.8 lb
LEAN MASS 93.5 lb
WATER MASS 65.6 lb
BONE MASS 4.8 lb
73,7 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 8,4 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 12,4 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

927 ккал Жир: 28,26г | Белк: 75,34г | Углев: 92,52г.   Завтрак: White Bread (Home Recipe or Bakery), Egg White, Egg, Whole Milk. Обед: Kirkland Signature Rotisserie Chicken Breast Meat, Costco Rotisserie Chicken Soup. Ужин: Cheese and Spinach Filled Cannelloni, Kirkland Signature Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts. Перекус/Другое: Bananas, Hershey's Simply 5 Chocolate Syrup. подробнее ...
3241 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Набралось 1,9 кг за Неделю

14 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Glad you figured out the bread situation. 👍 Sure hope you're able to clear the yucky stuff out and feel better soon. I had killer headaches last week, sinus. I had to set up a steam pot with tea tree and eucalyptus to clear me out. Hope you have a good weekend. 💕 
16 окт 21 написано членом: _bec_ca


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