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Long walk last night, neighborhood was full of crowds, all good signs for recovery. The drunk ones are annoying as they want to pet the dogs, but they're erratic and I can't always let them. Judgment call. More steps toward normal in that I got to chat face to face with three different people that I know all in the same day!!! I'm journaling this so that when I look back I can see how bat sh*t crazy this whole plague really has been. Unfortunately one was due to a house a couple doors down being burgled, but thankfully no one was home, still pisses me off.

Seem to be holding here at 161, which is interesting because I didn't exercise as much as usual due to rain and just being tired. Will swim and walk today, probably do cable machine since I need to do some stuff for work and will be out in my office anyways. I did slip in five minutes of spin on a long call yesterday. That's something I need to make into a habit, if it's a PP and I'm not doing the talking, I should be spinning. Blob is down, but so is muscle mass and that is not part of the long term plan, so we will work on it.

No pics today because I already posted my cakestalking pic last night. That is not a typo, and honestly, I'm going to go for a croissant or tiramisu once I get there because I don't really like cake that much and my tiramisu is nowhere near as good as theirs. They use real mascarpone made in house. It's so good, it's worth an occasional indulgence.

Work is a bear. My work bestie left me for greater things (I'm really proud of him, honestly) and I'm picking up a chunk of his workload. It's been a little rough, and I'm going to have to set a limit on the number of hours a week on myself (not including special projects) or I'm going to end up exhausted all the time.

WEIGHT 161.7 lb
BMI 32.7
FAT MASS 66.9 lb
LEAN MASS 94.8 lb
WATER MASS 66.4 lb
BONE MASS 4.8 lb
73,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 8,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 12,1 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1320 ккал Жир: 42,84г | Белк: 103,90г | Углев: 137,80г.   Завтрак: Egg White, Egg, Whole Milk. Обед: Baby Spinach, Taylor Farms Sweet Kale Chopped Salad (Salad Only), Blueberries, Briannas Poppy Seed Salad Dressing, High Liner Foods Tortilla Crusted Tilapia. Ужин: R.W. Knudsen Family 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Sweet Potato . Перекус/Другое: Strawberries, Kirkland Signature Greek Yogurt, Kirkland Signature Greek Yogurt, Solimo Whey Protein, Kirkland Signature Ancient Grains Granola with Almonds, Kirkland Signature Frozen Whole Strawberries, La Tortilla Factory Low Carb Flour Tortilla, Bouchard Dark Belgian Chocolate Probiotic. подробнее ...
3971 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
постоянный вес

17 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Katsolo, my husband rented an office with my urging, for he is very loyal and dedicated, if he worked out of the house he works till midnight everyday. I want him to leave the computer and not go back till the next day. Even still he was given central US area to work, so 1/3rd of the country. He got it done, so they gave him all of Canada, with unbelievable stress he got it done. 6 months later they gave him all of South America as well, he resigned. Idiots, they lost the best employee! If he worked from home it would be easily 16-18 hour days. How do you not overwhelm yourself on the computer? I believe it’s better to go to an office so you can LEAVE!😄 Have a nice night, sorry I am rambling, but it would be in my heart to pet the dogs too!😍👍 
24 апр 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
I am lucky enough to have a completely separate space away from the house. It is literally a converted garage in the back yard. When I leave, I leave. The dogs are pushy about getting their walk, which helps. That said, I'm backsliding a little with getting up an hour earlier, but working just as long. I already did the whole burning the candle at both ends and worked myself to exhaustion and almost quit. Technically, I did quit that particular assignment. I gave them three months to find a replacement or I'd walk. I'm going to start setting an alarm for 5pm so that I know when to walk away for the day until the new person starts. I made a choice to stay in San Diego a few years back instead of chasing power and money. No regrets, but I'm no good to anyone if I work myself into the grave. Pretty much it in a nutshell. I may pull an all nighter from time to time, but for the most part, once I leave the work computer, I'm done for the day. 
24 апр 21 написано членом: Katsolo


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