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Treadmill hillclimber workout last night. Sweaty and hard, but so good. Glutes are feeling it this morning, but look at that increase in muscle mass. Yessss... That is exactly what I want. As long as I keep nudging it up, I know I'll get to keep some of it and that is exciting. I have a morning full of calls today, in response, I will be pedaling as much as I can. I know it doesn't really burn calories, but it's better than nothing and it keeps my feet from getting cold from sitting too long without moving.

I was actively hungry all day yesterday, especially into the evening, and that double portion of fish at lunch was a mistake as it didn't fill me up, but the calories did. On the other hand, that's the last of that box, so a non-issue for awhile. Next time, I will scrap the topping off the second piece as that is most of the non-protein calories. Then I topped it off with a hard workout and went to bed. I'm hooked on those. It would have been nice to jump into the pool, but that's a whole different level of complicated late at night on a weekday.

Nudged up a little on weight, all good. Blob down to the lowest in a long time and life is good. Must walk dogs tonight. Will try and grab back the reins of life back and get them out there. I should note, the dogs always get walked, but I mean a good walk over 2 miles with lots for them to smell. Also lets me unwind from the day. Working on my other personal issues, chipping away at some stuff as best I can. I have some deadline stuff coming up, so had to nudge up on priorities.

Started a little experiment this week. Weighing things in grams vs. oz and abandoning measuring cups with the exception of water. Need to draw a line somewhere so we don't go down a rabbit hole.

This tiny little lady was in my living room Sunday night. No idea how that happened. First time ever since I've lived here. I've always had a ton of them and the back patio doors are almost always open when I'm outside because there is no XXXL doggie door for a shepherd as big as me. The hummers are very comfortable around me and I guess she just invited herself inside while I was swimming. I let her go outside almost immediately, but I'm mesmerized by the tiny feathers. She was back to herself when I ate outside yesterday, so all is well. She's also fearless.

WEIGHT 164.8 lb
BMI 33.3
FAT MASS 66.4 lb
LEAN MASS 98.4 lb
WATER MASS 69.1 lb
BONE MASS 5.0 lb
74,8 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 7,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 13,5 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1379 ккал Жир: 50,57г | Белк: 117,43г | Углев: 113,03г.   Завтрак: Egg White, Egg, Whole Milk. Обед: Giant Eagle Cherry Tomatoes, Harris Teeter Blueberries, Goats Cheese (Soft), Briannas Poppyseed Dressing, Jennie-O Ground Turkey 93/7, Baby Spinach. Ужин: Victoria All Natural Marinara Sauce, Kirkland Signature Five Cheese Tortelloni, Jennie-O Ground Turkey Breast 99/1. Перекус/Другое: Blueberries, R.W. Knudsen Family 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Kirkland Signature Ancient Grains Granola with Almonds, Kirkland Signature Greek Yogurt, Strawberries, Solimo Whey Protein, Truffettes de France Cocoa Dusted Truffles, Truffettes de France Cocoa Dusted Truffles. подробнее ...
3655 ккал Упражнение: Apple Health - 24 часа. подробнее ...
Набралось 0,6 кг за Неделю

25 Сторонников    Поддержка   

That's amazing that you actually held a hummingbird in your hand. It's like you touched a unicorn! 
23 фев 21 написано членом: larilyn
I don't get them in the house. I have rescued two from the garage. I have to admit to being low key jealous that they come inside. I know. It's dumb. 
23 фев 21 написано членом: atriel2
It's not dumb, they are tiny magical little warriors. This is the first time I've ever had one inside the house itself. Hope it never happens again because I also have cats. Twin Siamesey cats who are master acrobats. Could have been disastrous.  
23 фев 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Yeah, it would not be a good time for any hummingbirds here either. I have 3 cats - who are mostly lazy - and they also live with Bubbles the parrot and Nell the finch - but they're cats. I love these pictures! 
23 фев 21 написано членом: atriel2
My neighbor has an avery so I occasionally get his birds in my backyard. Once my dog brought me one on the doorstep in his mouth. That wasn't good but he was so proud of himself...😳 
23 фев 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Oh Diana, that's cool about your neighbor. when I first moved here, there was an older house with its own aviary up on a little hill. from what I understand, one of the couple used to work at the San Diego zoo and they had a good piece of their property covered in netting and the coolest birds in there. you just reminded me of that. I'm fairly sure they've both passed on as they were old when I moved in and it's been a long time since the netting was taken down. and dogs will be dogs, it happens. I've had to deal with my own share of that. mostly reptile though. makes for an exciting in house event when they're still alive.  
23 фев 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Poor little thing. There hearts beat sO fast. That's probably the most rest he's gotten. :) A bird in the hand.... 
23 фев 21 написано членом: Slow Meta
That’s beautiful! What bird is it  
23 фев 21 написано членом: Wiggyjp
Hummingbird. Not entirely sure if she was an Anna's hummingbird or not, bathroom light was not the best and it was getting dark outside.  
23 фев 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Great job building lean mass Kat! The hummer is beautiful! We should call you the hummingbird whisperer!  
23 фев 21 написано членом: bearnoggin


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