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Great discussion between Greg Doucette and Dr. Mike Israetel on forms of cardio to do for maintaining muscle while losing fat.

Things to avoid. High impact exercises that use fast twitch muscle fibers.

1. Do elliptical, swimming, biking, walking, incline walking, etc.

2. Avoid stair steppers, running, jogging, sprinting, etc

Their reasoning is that when you do these exercises while also lifting weights, you push your body closer and closer to it's limits. You stress the fast twitch muscle fibers. The fast twitch muscle fibers are the ones that get the biggest. You want to avoid overstressing them. Walking on a treadmill, even at an incline, will use slow twitch muscle fibers.

I saw this first hand when I was running to get ready for my Tough Mudder event. I lost a lot of mass, it was gradual so I didn't notice until I saw picture comparisons. Excuse the clothing, lol, we decided on an 80s theme for the event. Just posting these to show that not only was I smaller, I wasn't even as lean either. I was 176 pounds with the same or more body fat as the pic on the left at ~198 pounds.

2552 ккал Жир: 75,93г | Белк: 167,64г | Углев: 344,60г.   Завтрак: Fairlife Nutrition Plan Vanilla, Bread, Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar, Del Monte Mini Bananas. Обед: Apples, Kiwi Fruit, Skinny Pop Popcorn, Blueberries, Great Value Light Greek Nonfat Yogurt Vanilla (Cup), Strawberries, Reese's Peanut Butter. Ужин: Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers. подробнее ...

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I am not saying, you can't run but if you must, keep it minimal and do it on separate days from your lifting sessions. Beginners or most anyone who isn't heavily muscled for their frame will not see this much of a loss. This advice is for those who want to be optimal when it comes to muscle rentention/gain. You can still have great results with high impact cardio but they won't be quite as good. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Looking good in both pics. I love running so my heart sinks a bit when I see the evidence that it's not the best for muscle retention, but the evidence shows what it does. Since trying some of the more intense lifts, my running has decreased almost of its own accord and I find the incline walking or just walking and one short, higher-intensity session a week more manageable. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
LC- I am thrilled to hear it because I just suck at running but I long to do it so badly. Diablo- everyone else is looking at your sexy legs and I'm like- Why is the area rug folded over? Very annoying.  
09 июл 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
I always enjoy you sharing knowledge! Thanks 
09 июл 21 написано членом: tandtr
LC, not everyone is looking to absolutely maximize muscle like these yahoos or me, lol. I admit, I was overdoing it for sure. 6-12 miles per day because I wanted to be super ready. Unfortunately that came at the cost of losing 50% muscle and 50% fat, or it appeared that way, I'm sure you can get away with doing half of that, especially since you're probably not at your genetic limit for muscle mass like I was. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: -Diablo
From a genetic point of view you either have more slow twitch or fast twitch muscle make up. I have more slow twitch which is the component you need for endurance activity, and over my lifetime that has proved to be true.  
09 июл 21 написано членом: Kenna Morton
Lol, the area rug, I guess we were cleaning under it? Anyway, I am pretty shocked at how much I lost on my legs so I didn't even notice that. The knee joint is exact same size in both pics(I lined them up in paint) but the leg size is dramatically different. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: -Diablo
always good advice, diablo. i will say, though, i favor pushing the fast twitch muscles when possible, only because that's what old fellas like me lack the most, besides muscle. think of sprinters - always so lean AND muscled up. course i am not much of a bulking fanatic. it's a catch 22 for me. and dude, always looking stout in pics, in any decade's apparel! 
09 июл 21 написано членом: br_e_co
Another reason for me to skip most forms of cardio 🎉 Interesting post. Thanks for sharing 👌 
09 июл 21 написано членом: Paula Vieira.
The key is sprinters don't do that activity for very long and they do a lot of resistance training. Also, the best of the best in any sport are on PEDS so don't let their bodies fool you. Some of those guys are as big as the largest natural body builders without even really being super serious lifters... HIIT can work out pretty well since short bursts are much better than prolonged impact of jogging for an hour. This info definitely isn't saying that you can't have both a great body and great cardio for running, it's only saying what is optimal for muscle gain/retention. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: -Diablo
I used to notice when I ran my legs seemed to shrink. I walk now or do weighted carries. I'll jog every great once in a while.  
09 июл 21 написано членом: PowerbuilderC
Diablo, yep, not anywhere near my potential, but I have a high suspicion (just looking at myself) that a good bit of the energy to compensate for the deficit created through cardio comes from muscle, not just fat. I've made peace with the fact that my leanest and most attractive body composition will probably NOT be when training seriously for a race. Different times for different goals. Princess, that made me laugh. It's kind of like how I absolutely hate keto and fasting after my experience with it and feel a little gleeful every time a study comes out that shows it worse for retention of LBM. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Lol, my hate is for clean eating since that is what I used to do while dreading it all day. Keto can get bent too though. I can't imagine it. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: -Diablo
what legs? all I see is a rug folded over.😂😂😂 is it weird that I'm enjoying the sprint sets on the treadmill even though I walk in between? they're not long, I think the longest one is 1:15, most are 35 seconds, but I enjoy that burst and slowing down.  
09 июл 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Thanks for this because I do run but not as much as I used to before I picked up the weights 
09 июл 21 написано членом: khrissy85
Kat, I also like the combination of bursts of intensity and then slowing down/stopping. Extended fasting was the worst. I'd feel dizzy/light-headed and hardly move all day, and tell myself I felt great. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
I think most would be happy with either body type, but this is great info! Thanks for putting yourself out there (even in this outfit) 😊 
09 июл 21 написано членом: love2educate
Also, I’m doing mostly walking and elliptical lately to limit impact on my tenuous knees. Trying to get the calories burned, heart rate up, and still lift like a mad man. 
09 июл 21 написано членом: love2educate
I saw the rug first as well. Ha ha it’s the cleaner in me I can’t help it but I did eventually notice the legs and the loss you’re talking about Diablo. Main thing is that I know you won’t repeat this again and you’ll be holding that mass quite well. Good job buddy! Appreciate the info you always provide. Thanks for always taking the time to teach us amateurs! ☺️ 
09 июл 21 написано членом: wifey9707
Kat and wifey, you're going to make DP ask me to delete this informative post! Lol 
09 июл 21 написано членом: -Diablo


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