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Post birthday weight… I’m struggling. Up and down, up and down…Somedays I just don’t care…I ate all day long yesterday. I know it was my bd but it’s like I decided I would eat everything in site. I actually don’t feel well today. I have a stomach ache..I did eat smoked prime rib last night..sodium could be in play.
I go to see nutritionist tomorrow. It’s not gonna be pretty…I know measurements will be up. Between not being able to work out regularly, and my new eating habits, I bet I’ve gone up 2” in waist at least…oh well, today is a new day to start over, and I will but this seems to be a broken record lately…💜
60,7 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 9,6 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0,8 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

760 ккал Жир: 16,70г | Белк: 121,23г | Углев: 30,17г.   Завтрак: Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla, Purely Inspired Collagen Peptides, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Coffee. Обед: StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water (Can). Ужин: Pork Chops (Top Loin, Boneless) , Season's Choice California Medley. Перекус/Другое: Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - Cherry, Dcm choc chip bars. подробнее ...
Набралось 1,7 кг за Неделю

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I hear yeah. It is a new day 
04 дек 23 написано членом: liv001
Try to be kind to yourself. I’ve just gone through a time of eating everything in sight as well and I think maybe when we have times like this it’s because our bodies need something, maybe need to stock up on energy or something is off. You’ll very likely start to feel like you want to return to something closer to your normal habits soon, maybe not exactly, maybe some modification, but close. 
04 дек 23 написано членом: ddrudd
Liv, Yep..just gotta stay committed..🩷. Ddrud, thank for reminding me..I know what to do but staying on plan is a problem. I know just having my surgery and being limited is part of it. I need to remember not to give up .I'm still recovering and while my workouts may be different, it's all temporary.🩷 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Diana 1234
Good morning, so happy to see you are well. Sorry I missed your birthday post . You definitely have a lot to celebrate 🎉. Happiest of birthdays to you 🎉🎊🍾 
04 дек 23 написано членом: ocean_girl
Not bad if you were eating all day long! I have gains often of 2 or 3 pounds for no apparent reason. At least you are trying during the holiday season which can be so difficult! I started thinking about peanut brittle yesterday 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Diana, all we can do is just try, there are times when your body seems to be demanding more and of course we give it more of the foods we normally try to avoid. Your body may need more protein to finish healing and when it says more, we give it cake.....and then it demands more again, because it did not get what it asked for the first time. This time of year too....the time of the "everybody is making their speciality holiday treats and handing them out to everyone. My fat kid brain says....ummm you don't want to hurt her feelings so accept them...then it goes..well she gave them to you, you should have at least one....then all 6 are gone. It is tough, all we can do is try and try again, at some point everything will fall back into the groove and start clicking along again. 
04 дек 23 написано членом: debrafrederick
You've got such a great attitude about all of it, though. You've got this.💙 
04 дек 23 написано членом: unity1234
I think you look great at your current size, Diana, and you're pretty much at goal. I wouldn't worry too much about having a nice bday, or having some relaxed days. ...unless you have other goals that I'm unaware of?? 
04 дек 23 написано членом: ZenusWarriorPrincess
Instead of eating all day, next time try eating nothing all day. It gets easier the longer you do it and after the 2nd day you will be melting fat with little effort at all.  
04 дек 23 написано членом: rongolz
Ocean girl, Thank you!🎉 I do have a lot of blessings in my life. Thanks for reminding me💜🩷🩷. Fritz, I am truly frustrated as I do know what to do but sometimes I just don't give a ****. ( that's me feeling sorry for myself..) 😭🩷 Debra, Yep, that's where I'm at right now. My brain keeps telling me it's ok to eat, you've been through a lot, you deserve it, you'll lose it when you go back to normal working out .please someone turn off my brain!!!💜 Unity ..thanks, my attitude definitely needs some tweaking right now though...don't like being so negative...🩷🩷 Zenus, thank you, My goals right now are not being met due to my limitations. I start back today taking classes at a modified pace. I'm hoping that will motivate me to get serious. I'm losing strength and muscle pretty quickly.😭 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Diana 1234
No worries, hun, muscle memory is real. You'll be back to yourself in no time! 😉 
04 дек 23 написано членом: ZenusWarriorPrincess
Rongolz, that won't work for me right now as I had heart surgery a month ago. I need a fair amount of protein to help heal. 💜 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Diana 1234
What Zenus said, the strength comes back quicker than you think. And you also lose strength slower than it feels like. You may no longer be conditioned for workouts the way you were before, and your muscles are not pumped up all the time anymore, but in terms of pure strength it’s unlikely you’ve really lost much. I don’t know if I’m wrong about this but when I get super hungry I just let myself eat (I think I’m right FWIW). It’s a lot easier to say “my body needs something” than to try to fight the mental battle. And putting on a few pounds is just not a big deal if you’re in maintenance and not actively trying to lose. It just means you’re getting to the higher end of your “maintenance range”😉 i actually have no idea if that’s a term but it should be, given how our weight fluctuates all the time. real maintenance is staying in an acceptable range over the long term. Sometimes the boundaries of acceptable fluctuate a little as we go through health issues and that’s ok, you know you have the power of consistency over the LONG TERM. This is a lot of just my opinion but maybe it helps bring you some peace to hear these words.  
04 дек 23 написано членом: ddrudd
Don't get in yourself about what you DID, look forward on what you're going to do! Weight is a lifelong struggle and we will always, "fall off the wagon". Just keep it up and be proud of yourself, not get down on yourself!!!!  
04 дек 23 написано членом: jveliko1
Sometimes our bodies and mind can't get synced and we have to be patient and rewire things.  
04 дек 23 написано членом: -MorticiaAddams
Diana what IS your weight goal? Mine was 145 then i decided to go to 135. Now im thinking if i stay between 134-137 that is acceptable. I was only able to work out for a few weeks post summer surgery and then had this little incident going on and doc wants me to wait one more week (so 3 weeks post concussion) and i 100% feel you. I already felt like i lost so much strength and want to add more muscle and strength and keep thinking this time off will lead to laziness. Is this the way you are feeling? It’s a bugger for sure. My inner fat kid is a little bit of a bully. Even when not deserved and im guessing you may know that same bully😋😂. Take it one day at a time right friend? Remember who you are not who you were. 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Yearofhealth2023
jvelimo, thank you for your support, I'm trying to change my frustration.💜 Morticia, you are right. I just need to remember that .💜 YOH, We are somewhat in the same predicament, just different circumstances. I am frustrated that I feel this way. I have been really good today food wise and I took body pump (modified) and did well. I'm tired but class was good. I just need to remember my limitations are temporary. You too. You need to take care of this new issue before you can continue your walks and training. We will get there.🩷 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Diana 1234
I haven’t stopped my walks except for the day i was in the hospital and the day of my follow up appt with doc. But hubs walks with me as always which is helpful for when i got a little off balance. You’re right. We will ge there. I am understanding in a whole new way the phrase youth is wasted on the young. I dont think it is wasted although i think when we are young we dont appreciate how well our bodies work (for the most part). 
04 дек 23 написано членом: Yearofhealth2023
I’m sorry you are going through all of this heart stuff. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s temporary. There’s always a new day to give it another go. Some days I’m WAY hungrier than others. Weird. Maybe that has to do with calories out thing like when I move more at school, I seem hungrier. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe for us (women), hormones come in to play 🤷🏼‍♀️ 
04 дек 23 написано членом: StormsGirl
Storms, I know what you mean..today, I've done great. Carbs low, protein good etc. Yesterday I think I thought I had to stuff myself...I am back at gym and today took my first fitness class in over a month. Did well but did modify.  
04 дек 23 написано членом: Diana 1234


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