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No gain, no loss...I'm looking so saggy lately, just not able to keep up with my workouts like before. When I tell you it's bad, that's an understatement. I'm looking for advice if anyone has any...# crepeskinsucks
60,0 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 10,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0,1 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

972 ккал Жир: 30,99г | Белк: 103,99г | Углев: 76,03г.   Завтрак: Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla, Grits, Coffee, Sports Research Collagen Peptides, MuscleTech 100% Whey Protein Triple Chocolate. Обед: Deli Turkey or Chicken Breast Meat, Prime Rib, Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein, Progresso Traditional Italian-style Wedding Soup. Ужин: Kroger Pork Country Style Ribs, Great Value Broccoli Florets. Перекус/Другое: Choc protein bars, Oranges , Smart Balance Light Butter Microwave Popcorn. подробнее ...
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Since you have achieved your goal...no worries so much. Don't worry be happy song comes to mind lol Stay strong to keep the magic formula (Calories from our food intake must be LESS than calories burned). Calories IN < Calories OUT = FIT. All the best ! https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/calories-in-calories-out#what-it-is  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: MattRide
Matt, I appreciate all your support. You are so good at making positive comments and making me feel better.💜👍 For me it's not so much the physical weight, it's the way I look. If you go back on my posts, you will see how much I weightlifted and how much muscle definition I had. Since my heart episode and issues with my pace maker, I can no longer sustain that rigorous of a workout. I lost my muscle definition in my arms 1st, then I started getting a muffin top, and so on. I realize that there are alot of people here that may think I'm just a whiner and I know some of you are overcoming some serious weightloss issues and I'm super proud of those FS friends I have for all their hard work. This is an issue that is important to me. I invite comments about this as I value all views.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Diana I agree with you, you gotta bring sexy back. I was fortunate enough to have my own group of friends from the highschool days that are trying to redefine ourselves to be healthier and fitter. It is a great motivator, cuz you have people with the same mindset that hold you accountable when you slack. Or binge too much junk food. Find someone with the same goals as you and hold each other accountable, it will drive you. Good luck n stay strong 💪 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Supergainz1
it will be easy for you to regain lost muscle. so don't sweat it too much, once you restart and muscle memory kicks in you'll be back FAST. and you don't have to go super hard to really maintain it, just keep eating right and doing what lifts you can. but if you can't do any lifting at all.... youre gonna slowly lose the gains ... there's no getting around that.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: All_Pain_No_Gainz
Whiner; you; no. I am sure that i have way more crepe skin than you because i have been morbidly obese for decades so i know what you mean. And that is even more hard to you since you are not used to like i am. But it is a matter of priorities. Your heart goes first. Anyway i am sure that you or anybody else does not have to do killer workouts to get muscle definition or control body shape. Most part of it is cico balance. Maybe you have to readjust it since you are not allowed to work out like you used to.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Tassos67
Superman, I do have a good support system, both at the gym and at home. You are right that finding same minded people will help me. Thank u for reminding me! Rick, You are so right! I do find that when I workout constantly I can see the muscle memory working. I may just have to resign myself to the fact I won't look like I used to...I won't give up though! Tasso, thank you for your support. I love reading your posts and find you inspiring. I always had very nice skin so this crepe skin is fairly new to me. Im 63, almost 64 so I guess it comes with the territory.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Have you considered yoga ? It builds strength, strong muscles and tones and tightens.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: crazycatchick
Check with your Doctor re: Cardiac Rehab. It will help you gain your strength safely.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: agnesvitt
Petra, no I can't lift anymore than 10 lbs. I'm used to doing double that or more. I wish I could but it's a matter of lack of strength and stamina .💜 Erq, I know you are right. I'm focusing on my health and I'm listening to Dr but it's just making me sad...I was doing push ups the other day and caught a glimpse of my crepe arms and actually lost connection and fell over ..it's really bad..Crazycat, I have been told by several people to try yoga. It's just not interesting to me but its not a definite no.. I may try pilates. It may help my core and ab muscles.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Agnes, thank you! I never heard of that but will ask cardiologist when I see him in a couple weeks. 💜 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
10lb dumbbells . You could do alot with. Lunges, curls, chest/overhead presses, side laterals, deadlifts, rows. And tons more 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: All_Pain_No_Gainz
Thanks Petra for your support!💜💜Rick, I do all those but it's a far cry from where I was. I can't even seem to get to the toned stage. I usually do lat pull downs at 70- 100 lbs. I did them last week at 35 lbs. That's quite a difference. I used to pull sled with 115 lbs, now I can barely do 45lbs. Shoulder presses with 45 lb bar, now can't do them at all..and so on..I used to do 3 sets and usually 12 reps of each but now I can only do 1 set of 10 reps.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
I don't know how long it has been since your heart /pacemaker surgery, but I think maybe you need to be patient with your body. It's had a major shock. It took months to develop the strength and toned body. It is going to take a bit for your body to recover from the shock. As it does your strength and endurance should improve as well. You may not be able to get back all, but you will get better with the Perseverance and determination you showed in the process before. Don't loose Hope!  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: SLYONE 22
Sounds like you need an accountability buddy. Best to you.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: adamevegod1
Slyone, I've had pacemaker almost 10 years. It was a breeze. I was off work only 3 days, I returned to light workouts in4 weeks. As back lifting in 6 weeks. Now I am in heart failure. I have a Enjector fraction problem and although they put me on meds in Sept I am having a difficult time adjusting back to a normal life. Maybe that's just the way it will always be but I don't want to just give up...it's not in my DNA. I'm seeking a 2nd opinion as I don't feel my Dr is as proactive as I'd like. 💜💜 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Yes, getting old sucks & crepey/krangy skin isn't pretty BUT it's fact/life/reality/truth. For many of us at this point in life, we wonder who is incredulously staring back at us when we look in the mirror. I say that as long as we're in the best health we can be, we're kind to others most of the time, we can reminiscently smile with little regret, and we can accept/celebrate that we're perfectly imperfect (at this age, not at half our age) then we're incredibly blessed & need to be imminently thankful🤙 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: acomandr
I always tell the ladies, be healthy on the inside. That's what matters most. It's definitely something I have to remind myself of as well.  
08 ноя 21 написано членом: lettygaylor
P.S. At 96, ur mom is SO beautiful to u because u see past the inevitability & ravages of time to the true beauty at the depth of her heart/soul/spirit. That is where she is frozen in time for u & that is who u will carry with u always😍❣🤩 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: acomandr
But I digress...off mah stump now🤙 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: acomandr
In the meantime, take full advantage of all the lotions, potions, tips, & tricks for ur pampering & self care AND when u find the magic/secret to make all the not-so-pretty disappear then rmbr that sharing is caring😂😂😂 
08 ноя 21 написано членом: acomandr


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