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Anyone else having petty bad days? I feel bad even posting this cuz it's so "not important" in the scheme of life but I'm just venting.. Bent down to pick up my shoes yesterday and my back spasmed...dont know why...still went to work out but no weights, mostly stretches. Did ice, heat all day yesterday and used my massager, it's not so painful today, just tight. No workout today...
Then I got into a stupid fight with hubby..( of course all his fault..not...) We rarely fight so it put me in a really bad mood. I'm sure pain added to it..
Ok...a few other things going on, family issues etc...I'm usually a pretty happy and grateful person...just not today...
PS this has nothing to do with weight post...lol😳😒😒
60,0 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 10,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0,1 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

1115 ккал Жир: 52,39г | Белк: 102,31г | Углев: 68,48г.   Завтрак: Boiled Egg, Quest Vanilla Protein Shake, Sports Research Collagen Peptides, Coffee, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk. Обед: Strawberries, Kraft Fat Free Ranch Salad Dressing, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Perdue Grilled Chicken Breast Strips. Ужин: Tomatoes, Tre Stelle Feta Cheese, Skinnygirl Honey Dijon Dressing, Trader Joe's Boneless Beef Rib Eye Steak, Mixed Salad Greens. Перекус/Другое: Breyers CarbSmart Vanilla Ice Cream , Peanut Butter, Apples . подробнее ...
Набралось 0,1 кг за Неделю

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I think we all have those days, Diana, and I've had clumps of crap fly at me all at once a couple times lately. All I can do is go head down and push through. The muscle spasms suck though. I keep getting a cramp in my calf that I've been working on, but it's an ongoing thing. Makes me cranky too. Hang in there. If you don't have a TENS device, try it. Does help even though it's a weird feeling.  
24 авг 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Katsolo Thank you for your kind words! I feel so yucky today! Really depressed! I looked up the Tens Device as I'd not heard of that before. Thanks for the recommendation but I'm pretty sure I can't use it cuz I have a pacemaker. I think electrical impulses might interfere...have to check it out further. 💜💜💜💜 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
It's your journal so vent if that's what you need to do! I use my journal to vent all the time. Most of my posts probably sound like I'm whining. I've been using ice on my back almost daily. The doctor and the chiropractor both told me heat doesn't help my problem, but it feels better than the ice! 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Fritzy 22
Breathe. This day will pass. I think I am a few nerves away from a bad day. Lol. 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Tai_1-9
Sorry your day went that way. Venting is a good, healthy way to express yourself. Besides it’s your journal!! Write whatever you need or want!! 
24 авг 21 написано членом: bgr12
You absolutely cannot use it if you have a pacemaker. Please reply and let me know you saw this. 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Katsolo
I hope that you are having a better day today! 
24 авг 21 написано членом: hmbrown
Katsolo, I saw your post! Thank you. 💜💜 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
😘 thank goodness. I guess i need to be more careful when I recommend it. Glad you said something.  
24 авг 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Stress has everything to do with weight. Be kind to you and be conscious not to play anger tag. Try to find and outlet for your frustrations. ❣️ 
24 авг 21 написано членом: TheLovelyMrsG
I been having terrible days since the weekend my shoulder blades spasm during physical therapy last week 😏😏 
24 авг 21 написано членом: tr3vi28
Fritzy, Dfinch, thanks for allowing me to vent. I feel better now. Back is doing better and my mood is better. I think I was grouchy cuz pain was putting me on edge. I realized that I control my moods so I'm choosing to let it all go. That's the healthy thing to do, right? 💜💜🙏🙏 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Katsolo, no worries! I'm very careful about devices etc in regards to my pacemaker. I research everything. No Fitbits, bmi weigh scales, electric blankets, etc. You are very sweet though. I appreciate you!!💜 Little mermee, I'm feeling better, just gave myself a kick in the pants! I'm sorry you are having a hard time...you have every reason to be emotional, alot on your plate right now! I think of you often and even though I do all the reasons things are happening, my heart goes out to you! I pray you will find peace in the areas that bring you the most grief! Sending you positive thoughts and big hugs! 💜💜💜💜💜💜 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Rg, tr3, thank you for supporting me. Maybe something is going around...we all seem stressed out...I feel better now, I hope you guys have a blessed day! 💜💜🙏 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Oh Diana, I know it feels crappy, but stuff happens, especially when we are not feeling well. Take this situation as an opportunity to check in with yourself and see if there's something going on inside that hasn't been addressed. Those unfinished issues can pop up and cause havoc sometimes. And sometimes it's just a crappy day and we have to focus on tomorrow being better. Hope you have a good tomorrow. 💕 
24 авг 21 написано членом: _bec_ca
Last Thurs I messed my neck up when swimming for fitness. It put me down for 4 days so I understand. Life can be difficult then pile on injury and diet changes....can make anyone cranky. Take a breath, remember that in the grand scheme this are small bumps. Chin up...😁 
24 авг 21 написано членом: k.edwards3
Hey when you feel down, you feel down. It's OK to say it, outloud. Here especially. 
24 авг 21 написано членом: erikahollister
I think we all have those days or feel that way from time to time. Arguments make me feel off too! Hope it and the back spasms get better soon! 
24 авг 21 написано членом: peeperjj
Peeper and Erika, Yetanotheracct, feel so blessed by all your support!💜💜💜 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234
Kedwards, thank you! I hope your issues are resolved!💜 Ccandco, thanks for advice! I have been thinking all day that maybe it's something else and there are some things going on with other family members so I'm sure that is part of it. I do feel better now💜 Tai, brown, I appreciate your support!💜💜 
24 авг 21 написано членом: Diana 1234


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