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Gain was surely due to lunch at In n Out Burgers...hubby got it for me cuz he thought it would cheer me up and help me forget this frickin pain..bless his heart. 💜🥰😍
61,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 9,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 1,5 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

821 ккал Жир: 25,83г | Белк: 74,67г | Углев: 88,29г.   Завтрак:  Coffee with Skim Milk,  Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg,  Parmesan Cheese (Shredded) . Обед:  Honeydew Melon,  Blueberries , Kroger Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in Water,  Grape Tomatoes,  Cucumber,  Spinach , Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Hidden Valley Fat Free Ranch Dressing. Ужин: Kroger Lite Soy Sauce,  Broccoli ,  Spinach ,  Cauliflower Rice, Winn-Dixie Zucchini, Perdue Grilled Chicken Breast Strips. Перекус/Другое:  Carrots,  Yellow Sweet Peppers , Trader Joe's Persian Cucumber,  Nectarines ,  Diana's Protien plus bars. подробнее ...
Набралось 1,1 кг за Неделю

50 Сторонников    Поддержка   

@Dave thanks! Who knew In n Out was a cure all?💜👍 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Hope you feel better soon Diana. Yes in n out cures some pains Jajajaja 
21 авг 20 написано членом: rosio19
@rosio thank u!💜 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Hope you feel better❣️ 
21 авг 20 написано членом: moopie321
Animal fries cures everything too 
21 авг 20 написано членом: moopie321
@moopie, Thank u! Joe was trying to cheer me up so kudos to him for that. He's a great husband!💜💜 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Good hubby!! 😁 How are you feeling today? Any lessening of the pain? 🙏❤️ 
21 авг 20 написано членом: melissatwa
Next time tell hubby you're craving fresh strawberries with a dollop of Greek yogurt (and that they make you feel naughty). You won't have to worry about him sabotaging your diet again with In n Out! 
21 авг 20 написано членом: JustBananas
@ just bananas lol good tip! @, Melissa, today was a better day and swelling in my neck seems to be going down. I did do some house work today so we shall see how I feel tomorrow...💜 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Be careful! I'm glad to hear there is even a tiny improvement!  
21 авг 20 написано членом: melissatwa
Sweet DH appreciate him. Have never had an in and out burger as none nearby. A good hamburger out anywhere is rare.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: wholefoodnut
Hahah! My message makes it sound like you should be careful about your gain! No!!! Eat burgers! You are far below your goal weight! Eat! 😁 Be careful and don't over do anything doing house work! ❤️ 
21 авг 20 написано членом: melissatwa
@melissa, lol. I took it the way you meant. Thanks! I still feel pretty good. I'm hoping that I am on the mend 💜 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
@wholefoodnut, thanks. Funny story.. My grandkids don't have In n Out in Colorado where they live so when they visit they ask to go there everyday. I can't even look at fast food for a few months after they leave. I rarely eat it anyway.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Hey grandkids are the greatest i have 8 of them that with the craziness of the year i am really missing. Part of it is most are teens with jobs and they are working when i am not. They are so fun and we do what makes them happy within reason..  
21 авг 20 написано членом: wholefoodnut
I’m with Moopie- animal fries to forget all your troubles! Although the first time I ordered it while visiting San Fran, I asked for “monster style.“ The cashier just laughed. I’m an East Coaster - we have Shake Shack & Five Guys. No In-N-Out here. ☹️ 
22 авг 20 написано членом: GibJig
Gibjib, the first time I asked for “jungle style”. I am from the east coast too before Shake Shack was a thing. Now they’re everywhere❣️ 
22 авг 20 написано членом: moopie321
I'm sorry you're in pain. Don't feel lonely on the gain. I had one too this morning. I'm working on reversing it today. Feel better! 
27 авг 20 написано членом: lonniehuffman
@lonny, I am back down to 132. Finally beginning to be able to turn my neck alittle. I have been working out but no weights and mostly legs. 
27 авг 20 написано членом: Diana 1234


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