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Присоединился Июль 2019
История Веса

Начальный Вес
68,9 кг
Потеряно до сих пор: 8,3 кг

Текущий вес
60,6 кг
Исполнение: Потеряно 0,8 кг за Неделю

Желанный вес
61,2 кг
Еще предстоит сделать: 0,6 кг
UPDATE: I've made it to goal weight. Now figuring out what works for me in the maintenance phase. I'm very happy for this place.
Just joined here. Seems so very supportive.
I've been overweight since the 8th grade. Had adrenal gland issues, PCOS and now hypothyroid issues. My highest was 307 in 2003 when I had weight loss surgery. Lost down to 150lbs and was feeling good. All was well, still had mindset issues until 2009 when I lost my mother. Stress and emotional eating is my thing. Gained until I was 277 lbs again. Then lost my brother which was a major tailspin. And broke my leg during that time. I was laying on the couch contemplating things and made my mind up that this was it. Getting ready to turn 50 and unhealthy was something I didn't want to do so I started my journey to health again. Been a couple of years but the weight has slowly come off. I still have issues with binge eating but am much better.
I'm here to learn and help others if I can.

tatauu22-Изменение Веса


Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,2 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Набралось 3,5 кг за Неделю Up
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 3,2 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,1 кг за Неделю Down

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