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Присоединился Сентябрь 2011
История Веса

Начальный Вес
138,3 кг
Потеряно до сих пор: 32,7 кг

Текущий вес
105,7 кг
Исполнение: Набралось 1,1 кг за Неделю

Желанный вес
92,5 кг
Еще предстоит сделать: 13,2 кг
Been on Fat Secret since 2011. I have lost a lot of weight here since then. I also lost a lot of weight before that with Richard Simmons's Deal a Meal cards, which I wore out. For the most part I've kept the weight off and don't feel like I'll ever go back.

I have gone up a bit several times when I've tried to quit tracking my consumption. I just want to be normal and not think about food but I think my appetite is broken.

My diet is a blend: mostly volumetrics for breakfast, mostly vegetarian to make myself more mindful, dinner largely is going along with family tastes and I'm counting CICO without any regard for macros. My daily maintenance RDI is fairly high because I'm more focused on stopping days where I severely overeat.

If other people have different diets that bring them to a caloric deficit, I'm all for it. I also support people here just to lose a few pounds but my experience is with severe obesity.

I've never used the social media aspect of this site until recently but I want to talk through some issues. My friends and family are all supportive and are proud of me for losing all the weight. I still don't think I have a healthy relationship with food and they can't relate though.

me,myselfandi-Изменение Веса


Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,2 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Набралось 0,7 кг за Неделю Up
moko 13
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 1,6 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,2 кг за Неделю Down

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