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Присоединился Февраль 2011
История Веса

Начальный Вес
140,6 кг
Потеряно до сих пор: 56,7 кг

Текущий вес
83,9 кг
Исполнение: Потеряно 0,5 кг за Неделю

Желанный вес
83,9 кг
Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг
I raised my three wonderful children on my own, which I am very proud to say. I am Nana to seven awesome grandchildren! Divorced twice, never regretted either. I am a cancer survivor that has had surgeries, radiation, and chemo. Life is full of challenges.

Over the years I have gone up and down in weight, on one "diet" or another. Now, I am working on a way of eating (WOE). I think you can have it all, an "off day" and still lose weight. This is my life and I intend to enjoy it!! Trying to add more exercise in the mix is one of my challenges.

I did take a hiatus from FS... look where that got me! I avoided the scale and the weight was creeping back on. According to FS it averaged out to .5 lb a week. Small adds up! Now I am back at it again. Really need to stop sabotaging myself!

Presently (2018), I am trying "Low carb, moderate protein" which seems to equal high fat. As always, a work in progress!!

Definitely on a journey to be healthier and be more active with my family and friends.

"A sense of humor can get you through almost anything"

Thanks for stopping by!! :)

kattay-Изменение Веса


Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 7,6 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: постоянный вес Steady
shirfleur 1
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 5,7 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,1 кг за Неделю Down

kattay- Кулинарная Книга

Калории: 130ккал | Жир: 8,05г | Углев: 15,76г | Белк: 1,47г
Roasted Spaghetti Squash
Oven-roasted spaghetti squash makes a unique side dish or light supper.
Калории: 47ккал | Жир: 0,59г | Углев: 9,53г | Белк: 3,04г
Cauliflower Rice
A no carb rice substitute.
Калории: 172ккал | Жир: 6,75г | Углев: 1,58г | Белк: 24,96г
Slow Cooker Lemon Garlic Chicken
A wonderful fix and forget recipe.
Калории: 120ккал | Жир: 5,88г | Углев: 15,32г | Белк: 2,84г
No Sugar Oatmeal Apple Muffins
Tantalizing low GI muffins with plenty of goodness but no added sugar.
Калории: 71ккал | Жир: 3,55г | Углев: 10,02г | Белк: 0,90г
Roasted Butternut Squash with Tart Cherries
A perfect, simple, pan roasted side dish for a family supper. The sweetness of the squash creates a delicious caramel around the edges – that really sets off the tart cherry and smokiness of the paprika.
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