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36 Сторонников    Поддержка   

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Butter in coffee will never happen! Watch out corn and potatoes!!!😋 Thanks Diablo! No buttered coffee,🙃, alright by me!👍 
06 сен 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
Had to delete some misinformation. Carry on. 
06 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Thank you. For all the "research" people claim to do, they have some really weird, black and white misconceptions about metabolism.  
06 сен 21 написано членом: Joe Alec
06 сен 21 написано членом: lileighbaucom
"Eat butter first, and eat it last, and live till a hundred years be past." Old Dutch proverb. 17 million Dutch can't be wrong :). Of course I'm just teasing - moderation is key. But seriously butter is delicious 😋  
06 сен 21 написано членом: zerocool3
It is not only unscientific but also untrue to claim that sugar is "toxic". Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are primarily resolved by not having excessive body fat. 
06 сен 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
And no, sugar is not as addictive as narcotics. Also misinformation. 
06 сен 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Most people's idea of research: watching chiropractor Eric Berg or the insufferable Thomas DeLauer videos and thinking they understand everything about insulin, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. 
06 сен 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Thanks, LC. I didn't feel like dealing with the zealots so u just deleted their comments. Obviously they can still be seen for a while. 
06 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Yeah i see them. Oh well.  
06 сен 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
NVM- I refreshed and they are gone.  
06 сен 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
06 сен 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Diablo my hummingbirds drink my sugar nectar for years and years, they are very healthy. Plus, a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!😁 
06 сен 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
Thanks for posting this Diablo! There is a lot of misconception about healthy eating habits and I just love when someone that knows what he is doing come here to say what needs to be said. The "zealots" are one of the reasons why I desapear from time to time. And usually these are exactly the ones who DONT have a six pack to show 😆. (I also disappear due to lack of appreciation for sarcastic/cynical humor 🤪) 
06 сен 21 написано членом: Sassy Sabby
It's weird - they show up in the feed but not if I click on the post from your profile. I think you did well deleting the comments - that kind of nonsense is plain wrong. 
07 сен 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
You're welcome, Sassy! Do your thing. 😊 
07 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
LC, to be honest, I'd post the studies to correct the misled but I am not in the mood currently. I've done it plenty since 2011 when I read the truth on how fat loss actually works. 
07 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Sassy is right - it's often (though not always) the people who are not yet anywhere nearly a healthy weight for their height who are obsessed with sugar and how bad it is, while people who have maintained a lean weight for a while are not so extreme about any macro or food because it's not so simplistic/not so black and white. Diablo, I'm not sure how much it would help. With sugar and some other health topics, it's such an entrenched belief that they will dismiss any evidence that doesn't fit their world view to avoid cognitive dissonance. 
07 сен 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
But I like butter in my coffee. 
07 сен 21 написано членом: Pegasus9
The funny thing is that this post wasn't even about encouraging people to consume sugar all day long every day. He precisely says that it should be moderated (consumed in a way that it fits into your energy budget and doesn't have you replacing essential protein, fibre and micronutrients to make room for it) even though it's not a toxin. 
07 сен 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre


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