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Will Tennyson's TOP FAT LOSS TIPS
1. eat a very high protein diet : protein is satiating + high thermogenic effect
2. increase NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) : add movement during the day
3. train, don't just workout : have a program and focus on progressive overload (small increments over time)
4. don't drink your calories
5. track your calories : have a general idea of what 100g of chicken, rice... looks like
6. get creative in the kitchen : find healthy and low calories variations of the foods I love
7. trick your mind : use lower calories versions of foods I eat and track calories as if I ate the regular foods (track calories at maintenance this way)
8. have fun with your work outs : find program and workout partners you love, incorporate a social life with your fitness


^ Great video on tips to get into shape. I copied and pasted a summary from the comments if you don't have the almost 10 min to watch it.

3421 ккал Жир: 148,90г | Белк: 162,70г | Углев: 387,11г.   Завтрак: Peach, Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar, Clementines, Fairlife Nutrition Plan Vanilla, Dunkin' Donuts Butternut Donut, Muscle Milk Pro Series 32 Mega Protein Shake. Ужин: McDonald's Sausage Burrito. подробнее ...
5659 ккал Упражнение: Велотренажёр - 4 часа, Силовая Тренировка - 1 час, Ходьба (Умеренная) - 5 км/ч - 1 час, Отдыхать - 10 часа, Спать - 8 часа. подробнее ...

61 Сторонников    Поддержка   

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I like the part where he talks about how much lower your net calories are when you eat a lot more protein with the same amount of calories. Similar to how Hebrews does it. He showed how is he ate 3k calories per day and 144g of protein vs. 3k calories and 275g of protein, the net deficit at the end of a month was an extra 4400 calories which is an extra 1.25 pounds of fat. Plus it will leave you more satiated. I posted about this before, but it's a nice reminder. The thermic effect of protein is a great bonus. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Excellent. I would suggest this one, especially for a serious cut - Pre-plan meals and prep so that you always know what your next meal is and have it more or less at hand. Always did this when I lost all the weight. Lapsed. Recent diet fails have occurred nearly 100% around hitting that hunger crunch time with no plan. Restarted this past week. Zero diet fails. Game changer for me.  
05 июн 21 написано членом: jimmiepop
Love Will's advice and channel and mini-challenges/experiments. The only thing I don't follow is "don't drink your calories" - I choose to sometimes. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Excellent summary!! 
05 июн 21 написано членом: Bandrai
Yaay! Confirmation!  
05 июн 21 написано членом: chrisw77
It's so true about protein - can't beat it for bennies! throw in some fiber and you'll be full for hours!  
05 июн 21 написано членом: chrisw77
Got it! 💪 
05 июн 21 написано членом: 66Pack
Thank you Diablo- you rock!👏👏👍 
05 июн 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
1-8...... check. 😝😝😝 
05 июн 21 написано членом: HeBrewZ
Thank you!!! However is it fine to drink vegetable smoothies? 
05 июн 21 написано членом: Zylie Ravina
Am currently working on #8 - make it fun so you'll stick with it. Taking an in-person Barre Method class next week, now that 2nd Pfizer grace period it up. Miss working out with others, and also having an instructor that can correct my form to get the most out of the exercises. Thanks for posting this, Diablo. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: JustBananas
I did most of those for awhile, but I’m taking a little break and just counting and exercising a little, that’s it. But yes, I still will be counting and exercising slightly! 
05 июн 21 написано членом: NewNameNewMe
Edit: Most of those as in 6/8 of them. It was good but not easy, so instead of breaking down completely, I’m still tracking but not worrying about protein, working out a lot, etc. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: NewNameNewMe
Zylie, you can eat or drink anything as long as it fits your calorie goals. I still drink milk and protein shakes. I think smoothies are great. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: -Diablo
You're welcome everyone! 
05 июн 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Huge Will Tenny fan here. And who doesn’t love mama Tenny! Lol. That lady is my hero and introduced me to seated plank twists. I am definitely getting the cookbook when it comes out. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: Egull1
Great summary D... also a little extra protein helps protect a person from breaking down lean muscle and helps lean muscle growth when very active. 
05 июн 21 написано членом: Steven Lloyd
Awesome post...Thank you. God bless 
05 июн 21 написано членом: donniemae
Thanks Diablo for taking the time to share your tips. I completely agree with #8. I played tennis for 30+ years and made many friends over the years through that sport as well as snow skiing, hiking, roller blading, water sports, etc. I commend you for your dedication to weight lifting. I think we each need to find our jam that makes us happy and it looks like you and DP have done just that. God bless you both. You are an inspiration.  
05 июн 21 написано членом: Roxy Marie
Saving, thank you 
05 июн 21 написано членом: cindylynnwho


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