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390 calories. 20g of protein. Not too different than a Halo Top but one is considered good and one bad. Beats me.

1742 ккал Жир: 49,98г | Белк: 120,05г | Углев: 249,88г.   Завтрак: Halo Top Creamery Caramel Macchiato Ice Cream, Halo Top Creamery Chocolate Ice Cream, Halo Top Creamery Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream, Halo Top Creamery Birthday Cake Ice Cream, Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small). Обед: Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Caramel High Protein Bar, Apples, Little Caesars Hot-N-Ready Pepperoni Pizza. Ужин: Blueberries, Luna Luna Protein Bar - Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cantaloupe Melons. подробнее ...
4081 ккал Упражнение: Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 40 минуты, Ходьба (Умеренная) - 5 км/ч - 1 час и 45 минуты, Бег (Бег Трусцой) - 8 км/ч - 42 минуты, Спать - 7 часа и 53 минуты, Сидеть - 5 часа, Стоять - 8 часа. подробнее ...

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Would be great if I could stop at one 😂 and if I wasn’t diabetic. But I’ll take those toppings off in a heartbeat and eat em 😜😜 
08 июн 18 написано членом: ClarityAnn
It's more difficult to stop at one slice of pizza than one pint of halo top? Pizza once in a while isn't bad . . . either is a pint of halo top, or 2 pints microbrew or a bottle of wine. 
08 июн 18 написано членом: dhatura
Mmm, yeah, the toppings alone are tasty. I stopped at one slice, mostly cause the kids ate the rest, they are having a sleepover. But honestly, this was about 40% larger than their normal slices(which is why I weigh my slices) plus the coke Zero helped fill me up. Pretty full. 
08 июн 18 написано членом: -Diablo
I agree dhaturam, but even besides that, some on here think it will be stored as fat regardless. It just isn't the case. 
08 июн 18 написано членом: -Diablo
Pizza is life 😩 Too bad I haven’t had some in a while 
08 июн 18 написано членом: NmaJoy
😋 i love pizza 🍕 
08 июн 18 написано членом: rosio19
yum yum  
08 июн 18 написано членом: eatolive4life
Pizza is something I have NO willpower on. However I’m stubborn & greedy so I can occasionally have one at home if I’m saving the rest for a snack lol. The family doesn’t understand why they can’t eat it all. Yet hubby gets upset if I buy pizza every few days so I can have one slice but then wats the other 7! Pay the price and shut up or leave me 2 pieces for later and be happy with 5 of mine and 1-2 pizzas for him and the kids ;). Again I’m stingy with my pizza and more addicted to it than I was of my coke I think. In order to stop at one I basically eat as much salad as I can hold, drink Coke Zero cherry then have that one slice ;). 
08 июн 18 написано членом: peeperjj
Love pizza, looks so good  
09 июн 18 написано членом: skinnyminny54
Pizza isn't "bad" on low-carb if you limit it to one slice, all the carbs are in the crust, that's why you see so much, "crustless pizza" talk in low-carb circles. 20g net carbs/day (carb grams minus fiber grams) for losing, up to 100g net carbs/day for some folks (even more for others) on low-carb maintenance. I figured you already knew that.  
09 июн 18 написано членом: @philrmcknight
I wasn't talking about LC just "clean" vs. "dirty" foods. That's why I compared it to Halo Top which is far from LC. 
09 июн 18 написано членом: -Diablo
Cowabunga! 🐢Speaking of pizza. Average slice is usually 230-430cals, 🍕cuttings the slice in half, or even 3rds, depending on how large a slice is, will also help controlling the intake, since pizza is so cal dense, also as Phil stated, Rip off the end of the crust works too. For most people, those are easier ways to have & enjoy pizza, while not over consuming it. (easiest would be making your own). Here’s a guy who had pizza almost every day and lost about 100lbs. & some interesting factoids about pizza in the article as well. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2016/01/27/how-i-lost-nearly-100-pounds-eating-pizza/amp/ 
09 июн 18 написано членом: DEADPOOL12345
It was a staple when I got down to 175 in 2012. I would regularly eat a whole pie per day. $5 and about 2400 calories. Great value per calorie. Before people rip on me, it was for an experiment. I can share the thread on MFP for anyone who wants to PM me. 
09 июн 18 написано членом: -Diablo
Sounds yummy. I think the most pizza I’ve eaten in a day was a full dominos deep dish pepperoni. Had the whole box for a full days meal basically. Was very full for the entire day lol 
09 июн 18 написано членом: DEADPOOL12345
When I was eating a whole pizza or close to one I was obese. Anyone want to see my pics pm me 🤣😂 Jaja just a lil joke 
09 июн 18 написано членом: rosio19
No really It was bad, now that I recall 😬 
09 июн 18 написано членом: rosio19
I'LL be having some pizza when l travel to the Italian fiesta in Gloucester Ma.from June 26th to July and probably alot more other stuff...hahaha 
09 июн 18 написано членом: murphthesurf
Me too, Rosio - now I make tiny pizzas with no-flour crust, or put the toppings on a salad. Diablo, you are right about Halo Top, and it isn't even that good. I make sugar-free keto ice creams, they are high fat but low carb and delicious. 
09 июн 18 написано членом: gz9gjg
One PINT of your average Halo Top ice cream contains: 280 calories, 10 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 160 mg of cholesterol, 440 mg of sodium, 48 grams of carbohydrate, 8 grams of fiber, 20 grams of sugar, 20 grams of protein, 40% DV calcium, 16% DV iron. So, a delicious slice of pepperoni pizza equals an ENTIRE PINT of Halo. Just sayin’... I know that some people sit down with an ENTIRE PINT OF ICE CREAM and a spoon and go to town. Even tho I respect your right to do so, that’s not why we’re all here, right? Ice cream scoops were invented for portion control. An average ice cream scoop equals 1/2 cup. Portion control=Self-control=Self-discipline. It’s ok to have some ice cream or EVEN PIZZA if it fits in your program or you allow for it in additional physical exertion.  
09 июн 18 написано членом: BlueJeanCuisine
PS-No disrespect in anyone’s food choice. Just truth in advertising. 
09 июн 18 написано членом: BlueJeanCuisine


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