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Взвешивание (без записи в журнале) 07 марта 2022
60,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 10,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0,5 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

996 ккал Жир: 28,14г | Белк: 110,33г | Углев: 86,85г.   Завтрак: Oatmeal, Sports Research Collagen Peptides, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Coffee. Обед: Great Value Fat Free Ranch, Lettuce, Grilled Chicken, Guerrero Nutri-Ricas Carb Watch Whole Wheat Tortillas, Blueberries , Kroger Fat Free Cottage Cheese. Ужин: Beef, Potatoes and Vegetables (Mixture). Перекус/Другое: Baby Carrots , Built Bar Coconut Chocolate Creme, Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla, Dcm choc chip bars. подробнее ...
Набралось 0,6 кг за Неделю

37 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Hope you have a great day! How's your Mom doing? 
07 мар 22 написано членом: bearnoggin
Bear, you are so sweet and thoughtful! Im wondering how you are and hope you know you always have my support! My mom was doing great for the past 2 weeks. She went out to lunch with my sister and her friend, was able to get herself lunch and be alone for a couple hours while my sister went to her grandson's baseball game. Then Friday the bottom dropped out and she started back with the dizzy spells and weakness. That's how it is, usually a few days good,a few days not sure much..when she gets weak she always tells me she just wants to go be with the Lord. I understand... We will be there for whole month of April with her so my sister can take a vacation to Idaho and see some friends. She deserves it!💜💜 
07 мар 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Oh Diana, it must be hard seeing your mom up and down. I’m sure the ups are good but the down days not so nice. I think of her so often and I always remember those pictures of you and her at the gym. I’m sure she wouldn’t be doing so well if she didn’t stay so fit for so long into her older years. Bless her heart. May God be with her. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏 
07 мар 22 написано членом: wifey9707
Wifey, I love those gym pictures with my mom! Thanks for reminding me!💜 I talk to my mom often and I know she appreciates me keeping in touch as my other siblings don't keep in touch as much. Of course I try to help my oldest sister who my mom lives with as much as I can. She does so much! 💜💜 
07 мар 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Your mom certain quite an inspiration. I loved those pics as well 
07 мар 22 написано членом: liv001
Bless you and yours for taking care of your Mom. Aging parents can be challenging... 
07 мар 22 написано членом: John10251
John and Liv, thank you! Liv, I wish she was still that mobile but I think going to gym helped her with her strength and balance! John, you are right. My mom is still as sharp as you can be at 94 but she is basically blind and her hearing is bad. She does get alittle call infused now and then but otherwise good. It's just hard cuz she really can't be left alone. It's hard to plan things etc but at same time she is our mom and we try to make her last days/ years as good as can be 💜 
07 мар 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Diana, you are doing a wonderful job caring for your momma. I’m sure she knows and appreciates you and your sisters efforts. 💜💜💜💜💜 
07 мар 22 написано членом: wifey9707
@Diana, We have been there with my Wife's parents. Both are gone now. Enjoy her now... 
07 мар 22 написано членом: John10251
John, I feel blessed to still have my mom in my life! It is difficult sometimes but what pains me the most is her desire to go to the Lord. She gets frustrated and depressed that her time has not yet come. I understand but my heart still wants her here. We talk alot about her childhood in Nazi Germany when we get together. She loves telling stories about her life during the war and I find them fascinating! Tim, I know you of all people know how stressful caring for someone who has limited abilities can be. My mom is not that difficult but I feel for my sister as she also cares for her husband who has limited abilities due to have back surgery last year. I'm trying to give her as much support and assistance as I can . It's the least I can do.💜💜💜 
07 мар 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Tim as a side note, I've been told I'm just like my mother! My sister's tease me quite a bit as I guess my mannerisms and things I do are just like her. My mom can be a bit vain and rigid. It's ok, I don't mind...I used to get annoyed by this after I grew up and understood her life, I feel honored to be like her. 💜💜 
07 мар 22 написано членом: Diana 1234


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