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Присоединился Январь 2014
История Веса

Начальный Вес
97,5 кг
Потеряно до сих пор: 9,3 кг

Текущий вес
88,2 кг
Исполнение: Набралось 0,1 кг за Неделю

Желанный вес
63,5 кг
Еще предстоит сделать: 24,7 кг
Hi, I am married, a 73 year young Mom to 3 adults(1 deceased) & semi-retired. My goal is to lose 65 lbs. Prior to this, I lost 25lb, hit a rough patch and found it again and more. (Ugh!) I am aware that I must track, attend to and really work for better health and weight. I know that FS tools and supportive people really help with keeping me on track, encouraged and focused. Feeling resigned to my starting place and determined to make the necessary changes. I remember how good it felt to carry less weight.

Several people have inspired me to choose a mini goal.

MG 200 Lb - Treat = an evening round of mini-golf and foozball.
MG 185 Lb - Treat = Farmer's market trip and browsing down town shops.
MG 170 Lb - Treat = go to a play
MG 155 Lb - Treat = Buy an outfit
MG 140 LB - Take a mini vacation
MG 130 LB - to be determined

For my height, 5'5", I walk about 2000 steps a mile.
Starting BMI is 36.3. Obese is anything above 30.0 08/2023 projected BMI of 27.6

BMI goals 198 lb is half-way to the merely overweight category from my
starting weight of 218
178 Lb eases me into overweight category.
162 Lb 1/2 way to Normal category
149 Lb eases me into the Normal category,
140 Lb my goal! at the top of the Normal category
131 Lb puts in the mid range of Normal BMI
110 Lb would put me in the under weight area.
Ha Ha never going to get there again.
Losing at approx 1.3 lb per week. Targeting date? Maybe Aug 2023

2000 steps in a mile, Fat has 9 calories per gram, carbs & protein have 4 calories per gram. 1 fld ltr =38.8 oz.( 199lb requires that I drink 100 oz. daily). 1 Tbs of butter has about 11 g or 99 calories+. Sodium range 1500-2300mg. About 1300 cal keeps me at current wgt. 1 lb = 3500 cal. 29 gm of sugar= 1 tsp. 1 apple= 19gm sugar. Try for 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30 fat.

JovialJ-Изменение Веса


Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,4 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,0 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 1,9 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Набралось 0,2 кг за Неделю Up

JovialJ- Кулинарная Книга

Калории: 48ккал | Жир: 0,27г | Углев: 9,40г | Белк: 2,57г
Peach Souffle
A light, practically fat free heavenly dessert.
Калории: 134ккал | Жир: 5,16г | Углев: 6,49г | Белк: 14,41г
Salmon Cakes
Delicious salmon cakes made with seasoned breadcrumbs, egg and onion.
Калории: 257ккал | Жир: 17,44г | Углев: 0,99г | Белк: 22,74г
Balsamic Salmon
Quick and easy salmon with lots of flavor.
Калории: 135ккал | Жир: 11,16г | Углев: 5,11г | Белк: 5,88г
Peanut Butter Cookies
Yummy peanut butter cookies that are extremely low carb.
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