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Присоединился Декабрь 2019
История Веса

Начальный Вес
115,5 кг
Потеряно до сих пор: 3,7 кг

Текущий вес
111,8 кг
Исполнение: постоянный вес

Желанный вес
90,3 кг
Еще предстоит сделать: 21,5 кг
Caroline here!💕 Long story short...my biggest loss was 93 lbs from 301 down to 203. I hit a wall and I gained back almost 50.😬 So that's why I'm here.😄💕

I'm a happily married💏 mother of three beautifully rambunctious boys!👦👦👦💕 I want to be a great example for my boys and I want to be an encouragement for my wonderfully supportive husband!💕 But most of all, I want to feel good in my body.😔🙏💞

✴1st goal is 199 lbs. I want out of the 200s forever!😝
✴2nd goal is 180 lbs according to my doctor. We'll see how I feel if I ever make it that far.😏
*Overall goal is too figure out my binge triggers and be mindful of them while listening to and moving my body with love and appreciation.💜🙏💜

My Weight Loss Plan📝🤔:
1. Only three meals a day.
2. Only one snack.
3. No eating between 8pm to 8am.
4. Stay between 1200 to 2000 daily.
5. Gym three times a week.

Things I want to remember🤔:
1. I have to accept that I will never be able to mindlessly eat. My body can't handle that.
2. The bigger I get the older I act. I go up and down stairs like my granny did and I just flop into chairs. And getting up from low chairs...well that's an issue!
3. When I'm too big my knees hurt, I'm grumpy, and I have no energy.
4. Sex is alot better when you're in shape and slimmer.😉 Just saying!
5. I want to be my husband's "trophy wife". When I lost weight before, his friends/coworkers would tease him about how did he get such a pretty wife. 😊 He was proud of me. I want that again.💕
6. As an emotional binge eater, I know that being kind to myself is key!
7. Being consistent is MOST of the battle!
8. I will not beat myself up for not tracking everything. Tracking ALMOST everything makes a huge difference for me!😘💕

Happily_C-Изменение Веса


Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,6 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 2,5 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,1 кг за Неделю Down
Последнее взвешивание: Потеряно 0,6 кг за Неделю Down

Happily_C- Кулинарная Книга

Калории: 213ккал | Жир: 8,73г | Углев: 9,40г | Белк: 26,17г
Zippy Pork Chops
A spicy herb mix sparks the taste of these tender boneless chops that cook in no time.
Калории: 318ккал | Жир: 6,21г | Углев: 21,44г | Белк: 46,21г
Sweet and Sour Chicken
A tasty combination of sweet, sour and spicy that's good for you.
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