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http://www.iifym.com/iifym-com-interviews-alan-aragon/ ----Alan Aragon gets interviwed by iifym.com.

"What about carbs?
A lot of contest prep coaches from the old school seem to subscribe to the idea that carbs are the devil and should be dropped to drastic levels right off the bat, while many of the newer contest prep coaches seem to keep carbs high as possible. Our own IIFYM Calculator starts people off pretty high on purpose. Obviously every person has different needs, but in general are you a fan of higher or lower carbs? Why?
Ironically, contest prep in the 80’s & 90’s was all about the high-carb/low fat. A subset of coaches, most prominently the 3DMJ guys and other coaches with a scientific bent are doing the sensible thing and maximizing carb intake (while still achieving fat loss progress), so it seems what’s old is new again. Sure there are folks who buy into the magic of severe carb restriction, but the reality of the matter is that most competitors – especially natural ones – will flatten out and have crap for training energy. And, they won’t necessarily lose fat at a greater rate, so it’s a lose-lose. For the majority. I’m not saying people who do great on keto don’t exist, but my feeling is that they’re surviving it rather than optimizing their programs. Also, there’s no fat loss magic to low-carb/keto diets. The magic seen in the research thus far has been due to higher protein intakes, not lower carb intakes."

3517 ккал Жир: 122,91г | Белк: 170,67г | Углев: 455,40г.   Завтрак: 1% Fat Milk, Frosted Rice Krispies, FortiFX Fit Crunch Peanut Butter (46g), Dannon Greek Yogurt - Strawberry, Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie - Chocolate Chip. Обед: 1% Fat Milk, Kashi GOLEAN Crunch! Cereal. Ужин: On The Border Tortilla Chips, Jimmy John's #9 Italian Night Club. подробнее ...
5381 ккал Упражнение: Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 40 минуты, Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 4 часа, Езда на Велосипеде (Медленная) - 18 км/ч - 4 часа, Отдыхать - 3 часа и 20 минуты, Сидеть - 3 часа и 30 минуты, Спать - 6 часа и 30 минуты, Стоять - 2 часа. подробнее ...

6 Сторонников    Поддержка   

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I am a fan of higher carbs! I am nearly a vegan and only use ripe sweet fruit for the best part of the day to fuel myself :) 
04 май 16 написано членом: schmetterlinge34
Can't live without them. 50% of my calories are carbs. mmmm 
04 май 16 написано членом: -Diablo
to each their own. :) 
04 май 16 написано членом: TheLovelyMrsG
well I am fan of carbs because carbs don't like me. They seems to make me look like I am 5 to 9 months due. 
04 май 16 написано членом: sally ladyyahingoyahingo
Calorie restriction is the important part. The rest is just details. Like they say, the best diet is the one you can stick with in the long term. 
04 май 16 написано членом: CatHerder
my weight release was more consistent at 150 carbs a day and eating at my RDI 
04 май 16 написано членом: Sugar Waffle
As some of us have "matured"...ok, well grown older...things like weight loss, maintaining health, dealing with stress, etc. has become much harder than when we were younger.  Hat's off to anyone who figures out a way to cope with the seemingly inevitable march towards a less healthy, heavier and more sedentary life.  I could care less how people achieve their goals;  lift weights or not, do cardio or not, do exercise or don't exercise, do LCHF, do CICO, do Palio, Atkins, South Beach, etc, etc.... I'm just happy for anyone who figures out a way that works!!  I do see how things can get personal, and heated as people explain or defend their chosen path but this weight loss thing is hard enough without trying to tear each other down.  For me, I have had some small and short term success lately (the last 9 months), but I can truly say that I have it far from figured out and for sure am still very aware of the statistics stacked against keeping weight (fat) off.  Also, without the support, inspiration, shared knowledge, great buddies and the FS tools, I know I would have crashed and burned several times since starting on this journey. 
04 май 16 написано членом: Steven Lloyd
Finally, this is not aimed at any one individual or even just to this post...in my humble opinion, we should all try a little harder to work together, differences will happen, lets get over it, agree to disagree if that is what it takes and put it behind us.  Just a suggestion but forums are a great place to examine, "debate" and review topics of interest. 
04 май 16 написано членом: Steven Lloyd
Ok, I thought I was done...but apparently not...this weight loss thing is not simple, it is not easy, it is not just counting calories and doing the math and magic you lose weight. If it was this simple, the highly lucrative diet industry would be dead, this site and countless others wouldn't exist, studies upon studies wouldn't be done and still be in progress. Legislation taxing sugared beverages in the UK wouldn't even be considered. We just need to accept that it is difficult and not simple..there... I think I'm done now. Take care Diablo and all, have a great week!!  
04 май 16 написано членом: Steven Lloyd
amen Steven 
04 май 16 написано членом: TheLovelyMrsG
Steven, Ditto ditto ditto to everything you said. 
04 май 16 написано членом: jmb3450
I don't understand taking offense at someone that limits sugars. Or fats. Or proteins. Every diet is going to limit SOMETHING, that's the very nature of being on a diet.  
04 май 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts
Yep, I'm not seeing where anyone is taking offense. People keep seeing these posts as offensive. People are so defensive. Man, this is just the spreading of knowledge. I already know losing is difficult, Steven. It is just math, adhering to a diet that will get that math to work, is the difficult part. I wish everyone continued success. 
04 май 16 написано членом: -Diablo
My first sentence was not clear. I was talking to Phil about someone taking offense at someone limiting carbs or any other macro. I am not seeing where this post showed anyone taking offense to certain diets. The only thing that needs to be limited are calories. Try to ensure that your overall diet provides you with essential nutrients and don't obsess over the little things. :) 
04 май 16 написано членом: -Diablo
Diablo- you are constantly critical of low carb diets, that's why it's offensive from that perspective. The better question is, why are you so offended by low carb that you feel the need to constantly criticize, after all, it's merely another method of limiting calories, so what's the problem? You called low carb a "crash diet" on another thread, so what does that really mean, is it not a "valid" way to lose weight? "Crash diet" implies that it's some kind of cheat or hack, could you explain how that's the case when it's just another way of limiting calories? 
04 май 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts
Nope, I called 900-1000 calories a crash diet. You, yourself have admitted to that calorie intake. People can use whatever diet they prefer, I only take issues with people saying there is a metabolic advantage. Key difference, my friend. 
04 май 16 написано членом: -Diablo
I haven't done 900-1000 calories a day for ten months, I've only in the last five months or so really started cutting calories, and no, you didn't make that distinction.  
04 май 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts
I do find it funny that you're all about cutting calories, except in my case, I'm cutting them too much, apparently, right, and "crash dieting".  
04 май 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts
What I've learned over the last ten months is that I lost weight at about the same rate from June 2015 to November 2015 as I did from December 2015 to April 2016. What does that tell me? That tells me that eating about 1000 calories a day more in the first five months didn't cause my weight loss to be any slower. I haven't hit a plateau in ten months, which is unusual on ANY diet, and I think that's because I started lowering calories to go along with the low carb I was already doing, effectively making my particular diet plateau-proof, which I think is pretty significant.  
04 май 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts
I've been trying to figure out the best way to stop losing without gaining for at least a couple of months, and from everything I've read and most people's input I've gotten, maintenance is going to be harder.  
04 май 16 написано членом: 1point21gigawatts


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