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37 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Dude I’m gonna get some doughnuts now after work! Thanks for the idea 
22 сен 21 написано членом: mightymurse
You're welcome. :P 
22 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Yo, how do you suggest transitioning from keto to a muscle gain diet? I’ve slowly worked my carbs up from sub 50g to 100g but realize I’ll need much more to fuel my workouts. The hardest part seems to be finding out how to jump from 1500 calories per day to 2500…seems like an enormous amount of extra food. Slowly ramp up calorie intake or just go for it? 
22 сен 21 написано членом: HK3
I'd jump to it, at 174 pounds while also lifting, 2500 should be fine. Monitor weight to see if you're gaining too quickly, but I doubt it. Of course, you'll gain a good amount at first as you transition to storing more glycogen, more food weight, and more sodium, but 2500 won't be much of a surplus, if a surplus at all. 
22 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
If you think you'll have issues eating another 1k calories, use low satiety calorie dense foods. 
22 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Appreciate the input…I think pasta and whole grain bread can solve most of my problems. I won’t have any issue hitting protein or fat macros.  
22 сен 21 написано членом: HK3
These looks delicious!!!!!! 👍🏻 
22 сен 21 написано членом: wifey9707
Omgoodness...what's the front? PB? Keep it away from me. I'm not strong enough yet. 
22 сен 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
Puppy chow donut, not sure what all it had but it was great. Also Boston creme and an apple donut.  
22 сен 21 написано членом: -Diablo
I hope computer progress doesn't reach the point where we can experience the smell from food images! 
22 сен 21 написано членом: trackin64
Oooh, a puppy chow donut is a fabulous idea 
22 сен 21 написано членом: wroughtinfire
Oooh puppy chow! Jess makes a cookie with the mix (muddy buddies) and people love it! They don’t love that it’s called puppy chow also 🤣 
22 сен 21 написано членом: love2educate
Everytime I see those donuts , I want to melt!!!Stay strong!! 
23 сен 21 написано членом: cmj29
Boston creme on the left, Wifey and DP 
05 ноя 21 написано членом: -Diablo
44 days and ya'll forget. Smh 
05 ноя 21 написано членом: -Diablo
😆😆😆😆 I’ll never forget now. Can’t think of anything else. 😂😂😂😂 Boston cream dreams all night!! 😋😋😋😋 
05 ноя 21 написано членом: wifey9707
05 ноя 21 написано членом: -Diablo


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