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2491 ккал Жир: 73,27г | Белк: 204,90г | Углев: 300,34г.   Завтрак: Zespri Sungold Kiwi, Apples, Bumble Bee Chipotle Seasoned Tuna, Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar, Fairlife Nutrition Plan Vanilla, Honeydew Melons . Обед: Quest S'mores Protein Bar, Clementines. Ужин: Fairlife Nutrition Plan Vanilla, Giant Food Bananas (Large), Rolo Ice Cream. Перекус/Другое: Watermelon , Tortilla Corn Chips, Oscar Mayer Carving Board Pulled Pork. подробнее ...

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I agree with all except the gum. That's stupid. Who eats a pack of chewing gum in one day? I will never track gum, mustard, pickles (unless 30 calories or more)... But I have to weigh my peanut butter, I could eat a 1/2 c and pretend its 16 grams.  
12 июн 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
Yeah, I only count gum sometimes. I grab two at a time 3 times a day some days. But the rest is good. 
12 июн 21 написано членом: -Diablo
DP, some people do eat that much gum. I count my two pieces of gum. 
12 июн 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
lol @ peanut butter. Obsessed with it, weigh it, once ate a cup anyway. 
12 июн 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
LOL. I don't track anything, which I know is why the scale stalls on me sometimes. I think that another picture to add here would be drinks. Pouring a glass of wine or whiskey -- does anyone reeaaaaalllly weigh those? Suspect not. We can throw in sweetened ice tea and pouring soda from a 2 liter bottle into a glass as 2 more things that I doubt people measure. 
12 июн 21 написано членом: JustBananas
Mermee, some of the stuff they put in the sugar-free gums do have calorie and when you're chewing, you're swallowing some of the ingredients I guess. I think a lot of people assume sugar-free means calorie-free. I don't track some things - bites here and there - so my calories are probably higher than I estimate, but it's all a bit inaccurate anyway, and what matters is to get an idea of where you are.  
12 июн 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
😨 I don’t blame you, is hard to track all, I tried to make it fun 🤩 a tip for you, if is ok.. I write everything I put in my mouth in a small note pad, and when I have time I track it, even water, I also bought 3 different colors $1.00 bottles of 22 ounces each, and make sure that I drink them all.. plus Tea or coffee .. Also weight everything.. I Amy trying not to eat all of my 1400 calories allowed.. I do take vitamins, and I read what everyone writes to get better ideas 💡 Sorry for extending in writing so much, I wish I could learn to use the App better. 
12 июн 21 написано членом: GI1949
So true.  
12 июн 21 написано членом: chesgreen
Justbananas- If you eat only 2 bowls of cherries, 2 bananas, and a bowl of beans- which I think you said recently is your diet- you wouldn't have to track because you would always be in a deficit. Pretty easy to calculate that in your head and know you aren't going to have a surplus.  
12 июн 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
@Princess: that's pretty much why I don't bother tracking. Where things go a little off-kilter is when I bring in wine and/or cheese to the equation. The cheese is killer. I don't do either very often, but without measuring, I'm sure I'm destroying any lead I had that week. 
12 июн 21 написано членом: JustBananas
Thanks D!!! I think most most of us perform poorly when it comes to estimating how many calories are on our plate. I appreciate that you encourage the use of scales. It is very challenging when guesstimating food intake. Also I appreciate that you encourage consistency and not going off the chain on the weekends. CICO is a daily activity...  
12 июн 21 написано членом: John10251
Yup - all of that is real for many. I weigh, measure, and then do it twice to be sure!  
12 июн 21 написано членом: HCB
I never do it twice but even as diligent as I am... And as much as I think I don't forget anything... I had to add olives on to my diet calendar for three days ago because I suddenly remembered and it was 60 calories and I like it to be exact or over but not ever less than what I'm taking in. I rarely drink my calories so I'm often in danger of forgetting to add the milk to the calories if I have a cup. But seeing someone say he /she isn't losing but eating 900 calories a day according to the diet calendar... My first thought is - you're full of shit. Especially when the person is 200+ pounds. Ridiculous. 
13 июн 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
We people are more willing to discredit laws of physics than admit cheating...Let's move on a bit more realistically!Thanks for the post 
13 июн 21 написано членом: Paricia Yellow
It's funny, but mentally I keep track, then once a day write it down. Yes there are those days I actually go back and add things I forgot 😃, cause I want to be as accurate as I can be🙄 
13 июн 21 написано членом: cmj29
DP, I've stopped responding to those posts that go "I'm eating 600 calories a day, doing 4 hours of elliptical, and I'm gaining!" I truly think some people hate any reference to CICO because it's easier to blame "big food"/marketing/processed food than acknowledge one's choices, and so there are all sorts of anecdotes that pop up about defying the laws of thermodynamics. I've started to wonder if most of those posts aren't just troll posts trying to stir up an argument about starvation mode and CICO. 
13 июн 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Where did you get the diagram from? 
13 июн 21 написано членом: Lwill21
Dr. Layne Norton's Facebook page. 
13 июн 21 написано членом: -Diablo
You might consider ditching tracking WHAT you eat and instead get a grip on WHEN you eat. IF (Intermittent Fasting) has saved my life. 
13 июн 21 написано членом: Triangle-Woman
IF is just a tool to reduce calories. 
13 июн 21 написано членом: -Diablo


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