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"Pay attention to total physical activity!⁠

Exercise can help with fat loss because it's a tool to increase total daily energy expenditure. However, some people can end up compensating for exercise by being sedentary the rest of the day. In fact, some people may overcompensate and have less total daily energy expenditure.⁠

This graph is from a study I reviewed in the February 2021 issue of the Weightology Research Review. Women were put on an exercise program, and total daily energy expenditure was tracked.⁠

By the end of the exercise program, some women were successful in increasing their total daily energy expenditure (the blue group). However, another group DECREASED their total daily energy expenditure (the orange group).⁠

What happened? This group compensated for their exercise program by being sedentary the rest of the day. In fact, on non-exercise days, they were MORE sedentary than what they were before they started their exercise program. In other words, their non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) went DOWN.⁠

As a trainer or coach, you only see your client perhaps for an hour, 2-5 days per week. But what your client does OUTSIDE of exercise sessions matters just as much. It's why I like to have people track steps outside of exercise sessions, to make sure they aren't compensating by being more sedentary.⁠

NEAT matters a lot for successful fat loss. It's not just about exercise.⁠

If you want a more detailed analysis of this study (and other research), check out the Weightology Research Review. We cover 6-8 studies per month, and subscribers get access to all back content."-James Krieger

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This is especially true the more strenuous the exercise. Not only can it make you have less energy for other activities, it can affect your other exercise for the rest of the week. For example for me, when I started to jog again my power output for lifting was dramatically reduced. My bench press suffered greatly last week. This will affect muscle retention over time which will affect metabolism and how much lean mass is lost versus fat mass. Also, since my strength was diminished I will of course burn fewer calories when I do lift. It's all a balance. 
22 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
The same goes for people who go really low on calorie intake, you will compensate by having less energy for NEAT, defeating the purpose and getting less nutrition and muscle sparing protein in the process. These are reasons why a lot of cardio and/or super low calories are not recommended for long term fat loss/maintenance. 
22 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Good info. My workouts are suffering big time with knee issues and the scale keeps climbing all week. 😬 I don’t want to lower cals. What do you suggest D? 
22 апр 21 написано членом: wifey9707
Great post, as always! 
22 апр 21 написано членом: she_loves
Good stuff. I think many of us aren't even aware of NEAT (I wasn't, for years) and that's part of the reason people think CICO doesn't apply. Kind of hard to control CO when you realize that when you intentionally try to increase energy expenditure, sometimes, it will result in a decrease in NEAT. Same with extreme deficits - you can control CI to some extent, but push it too far and you won't get the super fast results you're trying to achieve. Seems to be another argument in favor of moderation. I love my cardio and can't give it up, but I don't think I'm doing that much. 
22 апр 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Great article! Always on point! I have been doing great increasing my movement throughout the day. I always keep my shoes in the office to make it a point to walk on my morning breaks. And just move whenever I can. NEAT definitely makes all the difference!  
22 апр 21 написано членом: MamaCabral7
Great post! I know NEAT works 
22 апр 21 написано членом: Sugar Waffle
Wifey, I know it can make you feel down to have an injury and make one freak out about the scale, but one week is nothing in the grand scheme. Also, eating at maintenance while you heal is most likely a good thing. Hoping for a speedy recovery! 
22 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
Thanks Diablo! Have a Terrific Thursday!👏👏👏👏👍 
22 апр 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
Thanks for sharing...  
22 апр 21 написано членом: ScottH
That makes a lot of sense and we've probably all fallen into that trap.  
22 апр 21 написано членом: C0bby
Very interesting, D. Thanks. 
22 апр 21 написано членом: jengetfit123
Thanks for another thought-provoking post. I agree based on my own observations. I strive to make rest days productive, although I am not always successful. My main reason is to try to keep my NEAT consistent. IMO and my Doctor's, exercise is activity above one's normal Neat. My example is that I told my doctor about my activity at work. He told me that was not exercise. That activity contributed to my NEAT. Exercise was activity I purposely preformed before or after normal work to increase my fitness... 
22 апр 21 написано членом: John10251
You're welcome everyone! Good to see you Jengetfit! 
22 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
LChevre, nothing wrong with cardio! For someone like me who wants to maximize muscle mass it just needs to be limited. You can still have impressive muscle with plenty of cardio. 
22 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
I never told people not to do it. Please link where I did. I only think it shouldn't be done excessively as a weight loss tool or as a main form of exercise since it hinders lean mass gain/retention when done in excess. 
23 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
It can be done as a main component if people so wish, depends on their composition goals. I think most men at least want to look more like an olympic sprinter over a marathon runner. 
23 апр 21 написано членом: -Diablo
I was just about to say something about running a marathon! I don't lift weights when I train. It's all about sprints up hills, modest daily runs, and long weekend runs. It's mad cardio all the way, and you finish with a strong heart, big lung capacity, and a lean, wiry musculature. You practically float and bounce when you walk; your muscles just propel you.  
23 апр 21 написано членом: JustBananas
This is me sometimes. An hour of lifting isn't shit when the rest of the day is on the couch. John, I like what your doctor said. Very true. 
23 апр 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
Thanks for this post Diablo, have a blessed day🙏🏽💗 
23 апр 21 написано членом: Daughter of the_King


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