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"I create a calorie deficit to lose fat⁣⁣
I eat meat⁣⁣
I eat ~300g carbs/d while losing fat ⁣using our app @carbondietcoach ⁣
I eat dairy⁣⁣
I eat fruit⁣⁣
I eat vegetables⁣⁣
I eat sugar⁣⁣
I don’t use PEDs⁣⁣
I train hard & monitor my nutrition consistently but know it doesn’t have to be perfect⁣⁣
I am healthy & strong by any measure (bloodwork, yearly physical, & full body MRI testing.⁣⁣

I enjoy the process⁣⁣
I used to hate it when I was young⁣⁣
I was scared of ‘unclean’ foods⁣⁣
I thought carbs made you fat⁣⁣
I thought if I wasn’t perfect with diet & training then it was worthless⁣⁣
Here are my tips⁣⁣
1) consistency > perfection⁣⁣
2) energy balance is king⁣⁣
3) building a strong & impressive physique drug free takes a long time⁣⁣
4) Hacks are for people who are either scammers, impatient, ignorant, or lazy⁣⁣
5) Train hard & consistently for >10 yrs & you’ll be amazed⁣
6) The amount of energy you spend stressing over the little shit actually hurts you more from stress than it would if you got the little shit completely wrong (meal timing, carb/fat ratio, supplements, fasting window, etc)⁣

Focus on the important shit and be consistent. Stop majoring in the minors. “The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding” (saw this quote from @rpstrength"- Dr. Layne Norton

2503 ккал Жир: 54,54г | Белк: 192,54г | Углев: 379,51г.   Завтрак: Florida Oranges, Fiber One Protein One Chocolate Fudge Bar, Fiber One Protein One Chocolate Chip Bar, Apples, Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla, Cheetos Crunchy Flamin' Hot, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Carl Buddig Deli Thin Honey Turkey Lunch Meat. Обед: Gatorade Whey Protein with Almond Butter, Kroger All American Sub Sandwich, Halo Top Creamery Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, Apples. Ужин: Dannon Light & Fit Greek - Vanilla. Перекус/Другое: Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Bite Size - Original. подробнее ...
2265 ккал Упражнение: Google Fit - 24 часа. подробнее ...

37 Сторонников    Поддержка   

1 до 20 из 23
Essentially me. We both started on bodybuilding.com around the same time. Except for the PHD lol 
02 июл 20 написано членом: -Diablo
Haha- I was reading it like you wrote it because it seemed like you!  
02 июл 20 написано членом: davidsprincess
Hahah! I thought it was exactly you! Wow! Guess you are in great company! Thanks for posting this! Such good things to know.  
02 июл 20 написано членом: melissatwa
#6 having the word "shit" in it and the last paragraph I thought sounded odd for you since I'm the one with the foul mouth- but otherwise it was spot on.  
02 июл 20 написано членом: davidsprincess
Clearly I don't really know him, Princess, but I did think it was unusual for him to use that word! 😁  
02 июл 20 написано членом: melissatwa
Haha, I thought the veggies part may give it away DP, I mean I eat them but not as often as I should. Mostly fruit. Lol, sure am Melissa, bodybuilder/people who wanted to get lean were all the same when I started. Believed all the same myths that magazines would help proliferate. Glad that is all behind me! 
02 июл 20 написано членом: -Diablo
I think upping my protein has been a game changer🙌 I believe I saw the conversation between you and 🧜‍♀️. I thought I was getting enough, but I wasn’t. Thank you💜💚 
02 июл 20 написано членом: jcmama777
I love this! 💪 
02 июл 20 написано членом: Keilin_4
03 июл 20 написано членом: Egull1
You gotta love the process or it will definitely feel that way. 
03 июл 20 написано членом: -Diablo
I’m impatient so give me some hacks lol. Plus I worry over everything. Well I puzzle it all out. So you got me on #4 & #6 lol.  
03 июл 20 написано членом: peeperjj
Ugh, tired of complainers. A couple new guys on my shift, one super-analyzes calls and beats himself up if he didn't do everything perfectly and the other is constantly complaining that he didn't get enough sleep and telling me how tired he is. Done with you people, lol! Life is good and easy. Stahp 
03 июл 20 написано членом: -Diablo
Well said 💪👍 
03 июл 20 написано членом: CharlieLovesChaplin
You posting poetry now? kidding 
03 июл 20 написано членом: warofart
Damn Diablo let em know 👍 
03 июл 20 написано членом: mountainman2
But the infomercial said I can transform my Jared from subway body to Arnold Schwarzenegger in just 90 days. 🤣 
03 июл 20 написано членом: Mike531
Thank you for this. Love that quote. It’s spot on. Your hard work definitely shows💪💪💪💪💪🙏 
03 июл 20 написано членом: ocean_girl
I bought that infomercial product. It didn't work. 😉 
03 июл 20 написано членом: davidsprincess
this is so true. consistency is the key to everything in life. nice share. I appreciate these things so much.  
03 июл 20 написано членом: one.point.oh
Screenshotted! Thanks for this, Diablo. Your posts are always a treasure trove of important science-based info. 🙌🏻 
03 июл 20 написано членом: newnamewhodis


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