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"Train the Same Muscle Two Days in a Row For Increased Protein Synthesis
You must have already heard about how training the same muscle group multiple days in a row is bad for you and ineffective for growth, since the muscles need a few days to recover from the intense workout.
Well, good news guys – this is a total myth. You actually should train the same muscle group two days in a row, hitting it hard and heavy the first day and following up with a lighter training the next day, if you want to get the best gains possible!"

"1 – Prolonged Protein Synthesis
This system prolongs the duration of the period of increased protein synthesis after the main stimulation (the day-one workout.)

Simply put, after a training session, protein synthesis and breakdown are both elevated. For the first four hours, protein breakdown can be elevated more than synthesis. But for the rest of the duration, synthesis becomes higher up to 24 hours and returns to normal within 24-36 hours of the first stimulation.

So you basically have 20 hours of very high protein synthesis/muscle building. By doing a second session 24 hours after the first one you can extend that by 12 or even 24 more hours.

The caveat here is that it only works optimally when proper workout nutrition is used. And if you do the right kind of workout along with good workout nutrition, protein degradation will be low to non-existent, resulting in a lot more protein synthesis. That means muscle gain.

Furthermore, if the second workout is more of a "pumping or bringing blood into the muscle" workout, you enhance nutrient delivery to the still-recovering muscle.

The more nutrients you shuttle to the muscles involved in the first workout, the more they'll grow. Not to mention that a boost in amino acid uptake will itself increase protein synthesis."


3262 ккал Жир: 107,49г | Белк: 269,89г | Углев: 345,66г.   Завтрак: White Bread, Keystone All Natural Beef, Apples, Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Chocolate, Market Day Fully Cooked Pot Roast, Tyson Foods Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Apples . Обед: Kiwi Fruit, Quest Peanut Butter Brownie Smash Protein Bar, Fairlife 1% Low Fat Milk, Quest Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Cookie, Fiber One Protein One Strawberries & Cream Bar. Ужин: Great Value Light Greek Nonfat Yogurt, Buttered Popcorn Popped in Oil, Think High Protein Bar Brownie Crunch. Перекус/Другое: Krispy Kreme Glazed Raspberry Filled Doughnut. подробнее ...
3338 ккал Упражнение: Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 1 час, Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 3 часа, Отдыхать - 12 часа, Спать - 8 часа. подробнее ...

24 Сторонников    Поддержка   

This may be why I continue to make progress so late in the "game". Chris, check this out. 
15 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
I swear, is EVERYTHING I knew to be true about weight loss and muscle gain a big fat myth? Sheesh! 
15 янв 20 написано членом: LZenn
Lol, all I know, is that this lines up with how me and my workout buddy would train chest and most would consider it my most impressive body part. Chest day, everyday, haha! I thought I was doing it wrong. I mean, maybe after a month straight it was on the crazy side...:P 
15 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
Back in the early 00s 
15 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
Doing this now. The first day is focused on the concentric movement of the exercises. The second day focuses on the eccentric movement. The idea here is that you are working the same muscle group but in different ways. I’m Not sure if I’m a fan of this but I can definitely feel it. 
15 янв 20 написано членом: Mike531
I always focus on eccentric. For example, if I can't do another pullup, I will jump up and go down slowly for another two reps. This article advises a heavy day and a lighter "pump" day back to back. 
15 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
💪🏼 very interesting!  
16 янв 20 написано членом: davidsprincess
I curious now if the order matters. My first day (concentric) is the lighter day with more reps, while the second day (eccentric) is heavier weight less reps. I may have to experiment. I love this stuff. 😂  
16 янв 20 написано членом: Mike531
I think it does matter because you want the first work out to be the one that's damaging and the second one as a pump workout to shuttle nutrients into the damaged muscles. 
16 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
When I began training with my workout buddy back in the early 2000s, we did this all the time. That first year and a half I made crazy gains. Now I see why my current off and on workout buddy, manages to work out the same muscles everyday without overtraining he has heavy days and light days mostly light, lol. 
16 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
THANK YOU for sharing this! I have always wondered about that “myth” and now I know! Looks like I’ll be changing things up next week. Thanks again, David! 👊🏻 
16 янв 20 написано членом: GardenOfHeeden
So if I focus on bench and overhead press one day, the next day when I go in to do squats and sprints, I should probably warm up with a bit of bench and overhead? I'm down to try it out once I get back in the gym next week :)  
16 янв 20 написано членом: Vocatus
actually, this makes sense given my own personal experience from back in the day. I was under the impression that doing pushups every day would be a good thing. I started every day (after the morning bathroom trip) with pushups and a bit of jogging, then breakfast, then teeth brushing and shower. muscle gain seemed good lol. Of course, I was a teen living at home with Mom at the time. So easy to schedule such things, and easy to put on muscle when I'm pumping out those teenage hormone levels. 
16 янв 20 написано членом: Vocatus
"HOW TO DO IT? Hit a muscle group with heavy weights the first day. On the second day do some pump work using the same muscle group for 15 minutes in the beginning of the workout, then move on to the main workout for another muscle group. Below you can see an example with a 4-on/1-off split: Day 1: Do a hard push workout. Day 2: Work the pressing muscles during the first 15 minutes of the workout, using some lighter pump work, like isolation exercises done in circuit fashion. Each set should last somewhere between 30 and 50 seconds, with 8-15 reps. Then move on to the main heavy workout for the pulling muscles Day 3: Do some light pump work for the pulling muscles. Move on to hard leg training. Day 4. Do some light pump work for the legs. After that, you can do some ab work and some light cardio. Day 5: Take a day off to rest and recover." 
16 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
That’s an awesome outline D!!! Thanks for all your knowledge you share. It’s no garbage, real and raw truth. Not everyone appreciates it, but many do and I’m one!! 🤗 
16 янв 20 написано членом: wifey9707
Excellent news. I didn't know this. Will be starting that tonight.  
16 янв 20 написано членом: claireosullivan
Thanks, wifey! 
16 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo
Sda, I don't see one on this post but Jeff Nippard references some studies on his full body 5 days a week video from January 5th. 
16 янв 20 написано членом: -Diablo


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