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2609 ккал Жир: 88,01г | Белк: 162,96г | Углев: 357,15г.   Завтрак: Pears , Trader Joe's Bread & Butter Pickles, Mission Carb Balance Soft Taco Flour Tortillas, Carl Buddig Corned Beef, Navels Oranges , Oreo Thins Lemon, Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small). Обед: Fit Crunch Chocolate Peanut Butter, Sugared or Glazed Doughnuts, Quest Chocolate Brownie Protein Bar, Pears. Ужин: Chobani Strawberry Blended Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese (Lowfat 2% Milkfat) , Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small). Перекус/Другое: Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnut. подробнее ...
3669 ккал Упражнение: Спать - 7 часа и 40 минуты, Сидеть - 8 часа, Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 1 час и 30 минуты, Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 2 часа и 35 минуты, Отдыхать - 4 часа и 15 минуты. подробнее ...

30 Сторонников    Поддержка   

That’s some funny 💩. 🤡🤡🤡  
26 авг 19 написано членом: moopie321
🤣 Hahahaha 
26 авг 19 написано членом: davidsprincess
Lol this reminds me of a couple people  
26 авг 19 написано членом: rosio19
Lol HDL is good for you, they take out the bad cholesterol (LDL). I need to look at the research again but I thought the saturated fat study was conducted in animals like bunnies that don’t normally eat saturated fats. Looking a little clownish 🤡 right now, but laughing along. 😆😆😆 
26 авг 19 написано членом: moopie321
this made me lol 
26 авг 19 написано членом: UpliftYou
26 авг 19 написано членом: carolynph
Came across this again... and laughing like a hyena  
26 авг 19 написано членом: moopie123
Wait....2 Moopies??? 
26 авг 19 написано членом: AboutMyTribe
One for sharing publicly, and another one to explore inner thoughts... sometimes inappropriate and not fatloss related.  
26 авг 19 написано членом: moopie123
Jk it’s all somehow related to fatloss...  
26 авг 19 написано членом: moopie321
The two moops get along even they eat different diets at different times. The two moops read and understand and comprehend applications of dieting concepts, not just a google search regurgitator. The new moop is nicer. Lol 😂 the old one is a hangry ho. Maybe old moop should change her username. 
27 авг 19 написано членом: moopie321
priceless meme love it! 
27 авг 19 написано членом: Little Red Fox
Lets see... In moderation saturated fat indeed is good for you. as is cholesterol. Except VLDL maybe. Cholesterol is what is needed to make your body work. Essential. Saying it is not good is an oxymoron. It's like saying a heart is not good for you... Doctors are paid and own big pharma and the medical insurance scam in the USA... This picture is silly. 
29 авг 19 написано членом: yohoyoh
This is a picture making fun of dr. Fung. The amount of cholesterol and saturated fat you get in a typical keto diet is the opposite of moderation. As far as a big pharma comment I don't know if you found some solid evidence or if it's just your belief.  
29 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Pharma control comment is about the healthcare mess that medical field and doctors started here oh about century ago. In all honesty i think the machine has eaten every aspect of that control and hence the doctors don't really control any of it anymore... Big pharma still is capable of controlling the doctors... But big pharma is controlled in a way by the insurance giants... The machine lives on. And yes, it's easier to give opinions freely than give a well rounded research backed article... But hmm.... Google... https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/02/10/doctors-receiving-drug-company-money.aspx The money is not that much. But it does matter... https://projects.propublica.org/docdollars/ ok, i bet you know all this and all the arguments so I will just shut up. 
29 авг 19 написано членом: yohoyoh


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