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Sometimes I wonder if people hearing the truth about certain dieting techniques is a good or bad thing. I was talking to a friend(childhood friend who asks my opinion and for advice on losing fat) at the gym that I hadn't seen in a while. He spoke of how he has lost 28 pounds using intermittent fasting. He didn't outright say it but I'm positive he believed it caused more fat loss than a regular deficit does. When I told him why it worked, he seemed down about it. He knows how much I know about fat loss so he seemed to take my word for it. He was gung-ho about the loss and this news may have lessened his hype about it. He also mentioned how his nephew(who was there with him) lost a lot of weight on keto. His nephew was in football during high school with some bulk to him but now looked thin with no discernible muscle mass. I really don't think keto is best for someone wanting to shape their body and I told him so.

Idk, just a thought. Did I negatively affect his chances of long term success or enhance them? I know that I wish I had the knowledge I now possess when I started so that I could skip all the headaches of trying every diet.

Maybe in order to stick to these tools, people need to believe they are special. Maybe this is why some people don't like my posts. They are so invested in certain dieting "tools" that they take anything that makes them seem ordinary or not special like a personal attack.

What do you all think? Is the placebo of truly believing what they are doing is special a good thing or is knowing the truth better in the long run? If he and his nephew are never going to take the time to count calories is this placebo needed for them to stick to their plan? My personal opinion is that most people would do best on a varied diet with more flexibility in when and what they can eat. So I side with knowing the truth. I know some need structure so a flexible dieting plan may never work for them.

I took a full 8 hour OT shift and it's dead so excuse the long post, I don't usually do this.

2725 ккал Жир: 87,60г | Белк: 168,66г | Углев: 440,81г.   Завтрак: 1% Fat Milk, Post S’Mores Cereal, Kellogg's Special K Protein Original Multi-Grain Touch of Cinnamon, Quest Cookies & Cream Protein Bar, Oranges, Peach, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas. Обед: Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Oranges, Quest Cookies & Cream Protein Bar, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Carl Buddig Corned Beef, Potato Chips, Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar. Ужин: Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar, Oranges, Cousin Willie's 94% fat free butter popcorn, Quest White Chocolate Raspberry Protein Bar, Pears, Reese's Outrageous!. Перекус/Другое: Smucker's Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich (80g). подробнее ...
3554 ккал Упражнение: Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 4 часа, Спать - 18 часа и 50 минуты, Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 1 час и 10 минуты. подробнее ...

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I don't know what makes people live in denial. Sure is frustrating when you're trying to help them. It's really all pretty simple. I think people like being put in a box so they know how to act. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: LZenn
I think you're right.  
12 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
IF is great, I do it sometimes. Keto is great for people who need to eliminate a whole macro to control their calories. I'm not against any tools or techniques in the pursuit of losing fat, I am only against misinformation. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
28 pounds lost; mark the date. Check in periodically and see if the belief is keeping the weight off or if he boomerrangs. Beliefs area powerful thing as witnessed here. I never thought I'd see people develop and maintain an ED but here on FS, with the affirming(enabling) of others, and the S3 mindset folk can believe damn near anything. S3---Special Snowflake Status 
12 авг 19 написано членом: Terrapin12
^Best comment of the week! :D 
12 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
That situation you're describing is something unique to this forum where the dieter will just put their fingers in their ears and delete comments of anyone trying to help. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
ding ding . . . .winner winner chicken dinner. Nailed it. Silver lining is understanding it could have been prevented but importantly it can be reversed. Starts with the fingers though. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: Terrapin12
It's never a bad thing to be told the truth.. However how we reveal it will always be the key to how someone receives it. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: Tbrooksjr
Well said 
12 авг 19 написано членом: eatolive4life
Encourage people when they are succeeding. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: erikahollister
From my experience , people don't want to hear the truth and won't believe it, nor do they want to search out the truth for themselves. So I don't say much to anyone. But it is hard to listen to how so many people are willing to remove an entire food group, carbs, from their eating plan without researching the end result. I just keep my fat intake low, keep sugar low, eat lots of fresh veggies and clean protein, and cook everything from scratch to avoid preservatives and chemicals. Equally important I move my body. You offered him good info , if he took it with a closed mind that isn't your issue. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: Jessie Quinn
I’m pretty sure people think they need a trick to lose weight. It’s sad, because we have the technology and apps to see the how and why it’s happening, but instead, we put the ingredients in a box and hope it comes out the other side the way we want. When people tell me they don’t have time to log/weigh/measure their food, I wonder how much time they spend on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. I believe people get angry because they want to believe in magic 🤩 
12 авг 19 написано членом: love2educate
Calories don’t matter... if you don’t eat. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: moopie321
I agree love2educate. When I bump into friends/acquaintances, or visit with family, they either act like I’m lucky, young, special eating/workout plan, great genetics, have more time than them, or have an eating disorder....I am lucky that I finally woke up and realized it’s just science and I have to put in the work. I feel bad for people when they hold onto these beliefs or don’t know any better. They have everything they need to be successful and be their best selves. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: LeiLei84
Agreed Love2educate and LeiLei! When I tell people that I am not doing anything special, just counting calories, they act like it's 'extra'. I get responses like, 'but I don't have time for that'. LOL When they are on the other hand spending 95% of their time always on their phones anyway!  
12 авг 19 написано членом: MamaCabral7
Diablo360x - I appreciate the fact that you post in a manner of trying to educate and to be helpful. There is a lot of sound information. When I get asked what I do or how I go about my WOE - I share from my experience based on what I have gathered. I really think that people will accept information only when they want it...good or bad...if they aren't in a place to be receptive (for whatever reason); the information won't translate for them. It likens to the old saying that when the student is ready the teacher appears. Keep doing you and let the other people make their own decisions as to what to do with the information.  
12 авг 19 написано членом: tahoebrun
is just counting calories the best, really? I alternate between cutting fat, eating more protein, cutting back on the carbs oh, and of course, using this app to count calories. yours or call when trying to write down everything I ate and count calories on my own: that was hard because I had the first of all take time out of my busy day to write down all the foods; and then spend the time sometime during the day to look up the calories. I must say I wasn't successful. I didn't always get my daily intake documented: Sometimes I had to catch up for 2 days worth of food diary missed.  
12 авг 19 написано членом: lydium
yours or call is supposed to be years ago!! 
12 авг 19 написано членом: lydium
I really appreciate your posts and I agree. in my own experience, doing keto or low/no carb... it just wasn't right for me. I had the best success so far just doing CICO, being flexible, and trying to intuitively eat. I went out last night and a friend wouldn't shut up about "getting on my diet." I had nothing to tell her than she needs to figure out what works for her. also, I constantly have to remind people this took me almost two years! there's no magic diet for instant weight loss, which is where I feel like the comments come from. 
12 авг 19 написано членом: reggionon
I believe that counting calories keeps you accountable (when done every time you eat). It’s also an education (which is what overweight and underweight people need). I know I can still eat bread, desserts, beer, butter, pizza, hamburgers, etc. What I can’t eat is 3500 to 4000 calories a day.  
12 авг 19 написано членом: love2educate


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