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Resistance training during a 12-week protein supplemented VLCD treatment enhances weight-loss outcomes in obese patients.

Resistance training was advantageous for weight-loss composition by preservation of LM without compromising overall weight- or fat-loss in morbidly obese men and women undergoing a protein supplemented VLCD. These changes accompanied positive adaptations for resting metabolism and muscular function.


The best part: "CON lost 4.6 ± 0.8 kg (p = 0.004) of lean mass (LM) while RT demonstrated no changes."

^The group that did not lift weights lost 5.4 kilograms of lean mass. Almost 12 pounds of muscle if I am reading that right. This lowered their metabolism. Another victory for resistance training helping you lose the right kind of weight and keeping your metabolism humming to keep the fat off for good.

I had no idea the morbidly obese were at such risk of losing muscle that quickly. I'm pretty shocked by it.

2912 ккал Жир: 89,44г | Белк: 193,59г | Углев: 392,66г.   Завтрак: Ole Extreme Wellness Spinach & Herbs Tortilla Wraps, Oranges, Chocolate Chip Cookies (Soft Type), Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar. Обед: Chobani Strawberry Blended Greek Yogurt, Oranges , Quest Cookies & Cream Protein Bar, McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Ужин: Gatorade Whey Protein Bar Peanut Butter Chocolate, Quest Blueberry Muffin Protein Bar, Chicken Cacciatore with Noodles (Diet Frozen Meal). Перекус/Другое: Simply Bar Protein Bar, Pears . подробнее ...
3874 ккал Упражнение: Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 2 часа, Спать - 7 часа, Отдыхать - 15 минуты, Сидеть - 6 часа, Стоять - 8 часа, Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 45 минуты. подробнее ...

26 Сторонников    Поддержка   

1 до 20 из 30
@DP, this makes your weight loss even more impressive to me since you didn't have the added lean mass loss on the scale which is a good thing in the end. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Well thanks, dear! Glad I impress you. Guess who's weighing in under 200# today... Not me. 😢🤣 
02 авг 19 написано членом: davidsprincess
Muscle strikes again. It's ok. You'll look more toned and less emaciated when you reach your end goal. <3 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
I don't think this got enough attention. 1 pound of muscle was lost per week. Just crazy. Rapid weight loss is great for the morbidly obese but add strength training and not only do you lose a ton of fat you keep all of your muscle. I mean it may depend on your level of muscularity, but either way. This is awesome. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Maybe Chris will come and post 14 comments in a row and it will get the spotlight. 😉 
02 авг 19 написано членом: davidsprincess
I think it's doomed because no one likes the gym. I mean, you all can do body weight squats, push-ups, and get a doorway pullup bar and you're set. Maybe go to the park and do a prison yard workout. I could see Chris doing that with a doo rag and his ginger beard. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Kinda how I’ve lost fat and built muscle. It can be done in Avery slight deficit,right?? 
02 авг 19 написано членом: wifey9707
Yes it can, wifey. These participants probably would have gained muscle but their deficit was huge. Either way, impressive that they lost zero muscle and a ton of fat on a VLCD. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
I cannot do a huge deficit. No way!! I love great food!! LOL 
02 авг 19 написано членом: wifey9707
I can't either. I prefer to move more so I can eat 3-4k. 😁 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Amazing info, thank you!  
02 авг 19 написано членом: babayjo
Nice, Keyten! 💪 You're welcome Babay. If a morbidly obese person can lose this much lean mass per week a lean person would lose way more percentage wise. Losing 3-5 pounds a week may not be so hot if 50% of it is muscle. A great reason to keep the deficit moderate and the lifting intense. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
The conclusion sums it up nicely... which I guess is what a good conclusion should do. LMAO :)  
02 авг 19 написано членом: davidsprincess
I did something like this for the first 3 months or so of.my fat loss journey. lost about 50 pounds and a few pant sizes, but ended up no weaker and actually built a little muscle from the squats and push-ups I did. starting weight 328. average daily a calories probably 1200-1600. got down to about 285. once I started lifting heavy tho I had to start eating again. up to around 3000 to 4000 a day, depending on whether I'm lifting. worked back up to about 300 over the next few months. arms, chest, back, and neck all got a bit bigger, waist didn't 
02 авг 19 написано членом: Vocatus
bad math. just shy of 45 pounds  
02 авг 19 написано членом: Vocatus
would like to resume losing the belly, but I'm not sure if I'm better off keeping where I am foodwise and just keep increasing my lift weights and total volume or if I should try to stay about the same and cut calories just a tad. presumably, I can only get so big at this calorie level before the muscle gain starts me actually burning enough to lose overall body weight again (ideally just fat lol) 
02 авг 19 написано членом: Vocatus
oh, and you're welcome. Chris hasn't made it around yet to spam this post and push it to the top, but maybe my comments will suffice 😈 
02 авг 19 написано членом: Vocatus
All depends on your goals. Some strongmen need to stay heavy to keep their strength up. For me it's aesthetics and strength is a bonus. I like being able to bench twice my body weight, run 5-10 miles with ease and do 30-40 pullups. Can't really do that at 250 but being strong enough to bench 450 would be nice haha. Train and diet for your goals. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: -Diablo
benching 450 would be cool. I'm only at 270 as of last test a couple months ago lol. I would like to get down to about 250-265 maybe. but total body strength is my primary goal 
02 авг 19 написано членом: Vocatus
would really like to be able to do about 5 pull ups lol. 
02 авг 19 написано членом: Vocatus


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