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A couple of dieting tools/techniques and how/why they can work.
Intermittent fasting. You create a smaller eating window so you eat fewer calories. There is no fat loss advantage. Fasted cardio. You burn more fat during the exercise but you then burn more carbs the rest of the day and vice versa if you exercise after a meal. There is no net advantage at the end of the day. Keto. You cut out a whole macro giving you less variety causing a calorie deficit. You burn fat for energy instead of glycogen but you also eat more fat. There is no fat loss advantage at the end of the day. Eating "clean". You avoid processed high calorie easy to overeat foods making a calorie deficit easier, there is no fat loss advantage.

These are tools that you can use to help you in your weight loss journey. They may offer benefits depending on the individual. The fasted cardio is the only one that I wouldn't recommend since it offers zero benefits in my eyes. If anything, it may be detrimental since it may negatively affect energy for said cardio. The same can be said for IF and keto for body composition goals but the pros, depending on the individual, may outweigh the cons. If you like IF, keto, or eating clean and can do it for life, go for it.

I didn't cite any sources I am just going by memory but if anyone has questions, I will most likely be able to find some.

3636 ккал Жир: 123,60г | Белк: 177,95г | Углев: 496,34г.   Завтрак: Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small), Pears, Plum, Jack's Original Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza, Lay's Classic Potato Chips (28.3g), Pears. Обед: Power Crunch Protein Energy Bar - Triple Chocolate, Pears, Sugar, Milk (Nonfat), Reese's Reese's Puffs Cereal, Kellogg's Special K Protein Original Multi-Grain Touch of Cinnamon. Ужин: Jack's Original Supreme Pizza, Peach, Pop Secret Butter Popcorn, Quest Chocolate Caramel Pecan Hero Protein Bar. подробнее ...
4169 ккал Упражнение: Силовая Тренировка - 1 час, Стоять - 6 часа, Сидеть - 5 часа, Принятие Душа - 10 минуты, Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 2 часа, Отдыхать - 3 часа и 50 минуты, Спать - 6 часа. подробнее ...

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So which one would you recommend to work best for weight loss?! 
24 апр 19 написано членом: TaraJ5387
D-- I hit the support button. 
24 апр 19 написано членом: Terrapin12
I'd recommend to eat mostly whole minimally processed foods while enjoying some foods you love in moderation daily. I prefer moderation over abstinence but some people cannot do that so it may be better to abstain for them. Focus on protein, fruits, and vegetables. I'd always recommend some type of resistance training whether it be weight lifting or calisthenics as well. 
24 апр 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Do you have a workout or site for someone just starting resistance training that you recommend. I’ve finally got a handle on eating and made some good habits but I know I need to add in some weights. 
24 апр 19 написано членом: gingrins
I haven't looked into that in a long time since I've been lifting for so long I just go by feel at this point. Maybe Chris can help? I won't be on here for a while. 
24 апр 19 написано членом: -Diablo
Great post diablo 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
Did someone hack Diablo360x account? I like this post. Not forcing my way or highway down the throat. You have now leveled up!  
24 апр 19 написано членом: chesgreen
I have never seen a post or comment from Diablo forging a way of eating.... you must be confused 😳 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
Forcing * 🙃 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
That is awesome keyten 🥂 for a HAPPY, LONG, HEALTHY LIFE ❤️ 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
Great info D. I know that for myself I have to be strict. If I can’t I’m a goner. It’s because of my addictive personality. I have to have routine. I have noticed that with my weight loss it would have been soooo much better for my body composition to slow my pace—once I got going it was hard to stop. Haha. I’m noticing now that my body is much happier with adding better options (more carbs/more fruits/etc). Also with you and few others direction. Making this journey a lot healthier. 
24 апр 19 написано членом: g_ortegam
I’m glad he’s tough on you 😉 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
That will only help you be the best you can be 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
I have lost bodyfat % doing keto and lifting weight...just sayin' it depends on the person what works. I do eat more carbs now and have gained...likely more about deficit or not right now. I am a project! LOL 
24 апр 19 написано членом: HCB
Thanks @chris 
24 апр 19 написано членом: gingrins
@Chesgreen - the awesome thing about FS is that it is a pretty engaging social network and almost everyone here is pretty extraverted/engaged and conscientious. There are a few whose language is disagreeableness and promote their lifestyle by refuting others, offering their opinion while not considering other's are allowed opinions as well - (not directed at Diablo, just a general statement). I think it is awesome to see people so passionate about their WOE/WOL and think FS is great that everyone can share and offer their perspective. Everyone here has virtues and vices - we are all a work and progress. Not only needing to work on our outsides, but our insides as well.  
24 апр 19 написано членом: AboutMyTribe
D, your post sounds like the phone conversation I had with my daughter yesterday. Gurus like to put folks in boxes. Knowing the truth behind things frees you up to do what works for you. 
24 апр 19 написано членом: LZenn
Exactly LZ 👍🏻 
24 апр 19 написано членом: rosio19
I would recommend for those of us who have been sedentary for a while to start off slow. Maybe even see a doctor or very reputable trainer before "jumping into" a full weight lifting plan. It's tough to know your limitations and push yourself all at the same time. Injuring yourself, and making yourself immobile will only make the situation worse, but doing nothing will too. I am not trying to scare anyone but I am saying to start off slow (like Chris suggested) know your limitations and build yourself up to more complicated exercises by learning proper form on the basic exercises while building strength. I guess I am trying to say learn to walk before you run and learn to run before you sprint! For example (this is what worked for me, and everyone is different, it also depends on the current shape or fitness level you are in). I was very sedentary and got winded climbing a flight of stairs. It's hard to believe that was a year ago next week and how much has changed (for the better) in a year! I started with push-ups on my knees gradually going to regular push-ups. I started with body weight squats before adding weight to the movement. Etc. I hope this helped! Good luck! 
24 апр 19 написано членом: Kennyn27
Thanks, everyone! Thanks for recommending a program, Chris! Also, I'm not going anywhere, I was just going to bed, lol! 
24 апр 19 написано членом: -Diablo


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