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4148 ккал Жир: 155,88г | Белк: 160,86г | Углев: 543,19г.   Завтрак: Cookie, Kroger Deluxe Jammed Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream, Kroger Deluxe Jammed Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream, Apples, 2% Fat Milk, General Mills Cocoa Puffs, Kellogg's Special K Protein Plus Cereal. Обед: Potato Chips, Hellmann's Light Mayonnaise, Deli Sliced Ham, White Bread, Hostess Twinkies Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling, Frozen Peach Unsweetened, Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small). Ужин: Costco Chocolate Chunk Cookie (Extra Large), McDonald's Bacon Smokehouse Burger, Burger King French Fries (Medium), Chocolate Chip Cookies (Soft Type), Kiwi Fruit. подробнее ...
4489 ккал Упражнение: Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 1 час и 20 минуты, Ходьба (Медленная) - 3 км/ч - 36 минуты, Бег - 10 км/ч - 1 час и 6 минуты, Езда на Велосипеде (Неторопливая) - <16 км/ч - 4 часа, Спать - 8 часа, Отдыхать - 8 часа и 58 минуты. подробнее ...

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I'm a believer...  
10 авг 18 написано членом: John10251
Yep! When it says 30 minutes do weights... is that just when lifting or include the short breaks between sets? I always log 20-30 minutes as that’s the entire time from when I start until I step off the last machine. I take 20-30 second breaks between sets and one minute between machines. If I’m going toward my max then and only then will I take a 60 second break between sets. Sleep is the big issue for me. It’s hard to get to sleep and even harder to wake up if I haven’t had 9 hours lol. But it’s easy when on a 4 hour nightly sleep and a 2 hour nap routine like I usually have all winter. (But I also gained most of my weight during winter) 
10 авг 18 написано членом: peeperjj
Does the protein intake have to be that high for a non-bodybuilder? I do light/moderate resistance training for 40 minutes every other day.  
10 авг 18 написано членом: elistev
Protein intake should be for your goal weight. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: -Diablo
protein is a very necessary item in your diet. It is being found now that recommended protein levels may be on the low side especially for older folks like me.  
10 авг 18 написано членом: baskington
Ah, ok I get it now, thanks.  
10 авг 18 написано членом: elistev
That's a lot of protein. I'm doing good if I get .4 grams of protein per target weight. Also, what am I supposed to do with the product of 10xcurrent weight. Can't be how many calories I should be eating, because it would be pretty darn high. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: LZenn
I did the “my Wgt x 10” formula and it is about 890 calories more than I usually eat to lose weight... 
10 авг 18 написано членом: cannjensen
Jimipop does a .9 times your target weight, which for me is a little low. 1040 calories I think. so maybe it means 10 times your target weight. It is about right for weight loss for me. my burn without exercise at sedentary is around 1430 I have been upping my calories to try and match that. I work out a lot, so that burns my fat loss. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: baskington
I wanted to be 125 so 10 x 125 is 1250 which works for a slow weight loss. I have no weight goal now, just want to lose the fat and build muscle. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: baskington
BWX10 is very low. If you are even slightly active you will lose at a good pace. I'm losing at BW times 18 give or take. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: -Diablo
Oh, ok, the calories is supposed to use target weight as well. That sounds about right. I'm a little under that, but not by much. Still the protein is way more than I'd be able to consume and not over eat or go broke trying. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: LZenn
Yeah, @peeper, I'm at the gym for 1.5 hours or so and I log about 45 min on my exercise field. I think the picture takes into account rest times as well. 
10 авг 18 написано членом: -Diablo
protein is very easy to get, even a small amount of meat is 20 grams. I regularly eat 75 to 85 grams daily. if you are watching calories then salmon is a great choice especially fresh or frozen.  
11 авг 18 написано членом: baskington
11 авг 18 написано членом: rosio19
Lzeen try goal weight *10 = but I don’t know ur goal weight so I’m just saying...what is it n maybe we can say “yay or nay” 
11 авг 18 написано членом: rosio19
890 calories a day is simply not enough calories for anyone 😣 
11 авг 18 написано членом: rosio19
I never use 10 
11 авг 18 написано членом: rosio19
I started with goal weight time 12 and than current weight times 11 
11 авг 18 написано членом: rosio19
I never ate or eat less than 1500 calories a day. I lifted weights at the gym (while losing my weight) 3 days a week. But yes I guess I did things wrong (😆🤣 excuse me while I laugh) cause I slowly lost my weight and I was totally ok with it 💕☺️ 
11 авг 18 написано членом: rosio19


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